Big Election is Here. Let's not blow it again and Make America Great Again in every way by following this website on the Road ToSuccess! Also
I was reading about Joan Baez and her new memoir today and it triggered these pent up feelings in me!
Looking back, I am now putting the pieces together of my liberal Jewish upbringing. As a kid the Jewish religion even then was very liberal back in the early 60s . I remember them even having Joan Baez , of all people, to our religious camp Saratoga in 1963 or 1964 to talk and sing 'we shall overcome' among others. It was Subtle indoctrination I didnt even realize at the time. I remember Baez clearly espousing her trademark liberalism. I guess the Jewish religion has always been quite left leaning, WHICH IS COMING HOME TO ROOST TODAY WITH THE ISREAL-HAMAS SITUATION WHILE REALLY DIVIDING THE JEWS AND EVEN TURNING MANY TOWARDS THR GOP. . My Dad wasn't liberal and maybe thats partly why I wasn't and why he wasn't very popular among my relatives, despite being a Doctor. At the time I didn't understand politics but looking back now I remember certsin 'strange things' and Not surprising now looking back. There were probably a lot of other subtle liberal aspects I didn't realize at the time. Somehow, thankfully, I never realized or fell for it like most of my con temporaries. Only more recently does it become obvious when we see those fellow campers or classmates today and how they wear their politics on their religious sleeves today.
Only because I'm attuned to music do I remember the Joan Baez camp experience. (I also remember her bringing alomg a Jewish liberal named Ira ________)
I do know that I always felt uncomfortable among the 'reform' jewish 'clergy' right down to my bar mitzVah, which i now believe may now be a part of jewish liberal indoctrination- not what Moses and our forefathers intended it to be. . I won't name names but, unlike my cronies , I never 'bit.' When they finally brought in a rabbi i liked they quickly removed him for a chinese-jewish woman without explaining why. I'm finally seeing the LIGHT. Now I understand thst brainwashing apparently works for many- or maybe could they be born with a liberal gene? No, I think it's largely the social influence by the people around them , and Jewish media -which happens to be part and parcel of the mainstream media- around them inculcating stuff like 'facts don't matter- and the 'truth is whatever you want it to be.'
I was reading about Joan Baez and her new memoir today and it triggered these pent up feelings in me I never quite deciphered before. It's all finally coming together for me- finally understsnding more the REAL TRUTH/ soundtrack of my political religious upbringing , not their made-up 'truth.'
(Randi Weingarten is today's much-worse (Jewsish) version of Joan Baez. Head of the teachers union, she and the union are part and parcel of the Dem party today, recently giving $700 million to Dem causes including to Dem candidates. Education has taken a backbseat to politics, even in our schools now.
It's really almost embarrassing to see so many Jews, among others, in politics , education and entertainment and media turn their backs on the real meaning of Judaism. From Lying Adam Schiff to Jamie Raskin, from Bernie Sanders to Chuck Schumer, from Barbara Streisand to Bette Midler , from Jake Tapper to Warner Wolf, to Wei garten, i could never identify or get along with their ilk. Almost a nightmare how they are part of my religion, albeit by culture only- not substance ( doubt any go to temple regularly ).
Below is who Joan Baez brought along with her 60 years ago to help brainwash(?) Me and my fellow campers at Camp Saratoga at the behest of the Jewish powers to be that ran the camp. Wonder if my conservative father had any idea what even camps were doing to indoctrinate students ts
I was reading about Joan Baez and her new memoir today and it triggered these pent up feelings in me!
Looking back, I am now putting the pieces together of my liberal Jewish upbringing. As a kid the Jewish religion even then was very liberal back in the early 60s . I remember them even having Joan Baez , of all people, to our religious camp Saratoga in 1963 or 1964 to talk and sing 'we shall overcome' among others. It was Subtle indoctrination I didnt even realize at the time. I remember Baez clearly espousing her trademark liberalism. I guess the Jewish religion has always been quite left leaning, WHICH IS COMING HOME TO ROOST TODAY WITH THE ISREAL-HAMAS SITUATION WHILE REALLY DIVIDING THE JEWS AND EVEN TURNING MANY TOWARDS THR GOP. . My Dad wasn't liberal and maybe thats partly why I wasn't and why he wasn't very popular among my relatives, despite being a Doctor. At the time I didn't understand politics but looking back now I remember certsin 'strange things' and Not surprising now looking back. There were probably a lot of other subtle liberal aspects I didn't realize at the time. Somehow, thankfully, I never realized or fell for it like most of my con temporaries. Only more recently does it become obvious when we see those fellow campers or classmates today and how they wear their politics on their religious sleeves today.
Only because I'm attuned to music do I remember the Joan Baez camp experience. (I also remember her bringing alomg a Jewish liberal named Ira ________)
I do know that I always felt uncomfortable among the 'reform' jewish 'clergy' right down to my bar mitzVah, which i now believe may now be a part of jewish liberal indoctrination- not what Moses and our forefathers intended it to be. . I won't name names but, unlike my cronies , I never 'bit.' When they finally brought in a rabbi i liked they quickly removed him for a chinese-jewish woman without explaining why. I'm finally seeing the LIGHT. Now I understand thst brainwashing apparently works for many- or maybe could they be born with a liberal gene? No, I think it's largely the social influence by the people around them , and Jewish media -which happens to be part and parcel of the mainstream media- around them inculcating stuff like 'facts don't matter- and the 'truth is whatever you want it to be.'
I was reading about Joan Baez and her new memoir today and it triggered these pent up feelings in me I never quite deciphered before. It's all finally coming together for me- finally understsnding more the REAL TRUTH/ soundtrack of my political religious upbringing , not their made-up 'truth.'
(Randi Weingarten is today's much-worse (Jewsish) version of Joan Baez. Head of the teachers union, she and the union are part and parcel of the Dem party today, recently giving $700 million to Dem causes including to Dem candidates. Education has taken a backbseat to politics, even in our schools now.
It's really almost embarrassing to see so many Jews, among others, in politics , education and entertainment and media turn their backs on the real meaning of Judaism. From Lying Adam Schiff to Jamie Raskin, from Bernie Sanders to Chuck Schumer, from Barbara Streisand to Bette Midler , from Jake Tapper to Warner Wolf, to Wei garten, i could never identify or get along with their ilk. Almost a nightmare how they are part of my religion, albeit by culture only- not substance ( doubt any go to temple regularly ).
Below is who Joan Baez brought along with her 60 years ago to help brainwash(?) Me and my fellow campers at Camp Saratoga at the behest of the Jewish powers to be that ran the camp. Wonder if my conservative father had any idea what even camps were doing to indoctrinate students ts
The graphic pictures and raw videos that you're seeing on ALL media since the very onset of this Hell hours ago, is what A REAL WAR LOOKS LIKE! Because IT IS WAR!
You are about to withstand a barrage of lies about the war that broke out today in Israel.
Some of those lies will be explicit. Some of them will be lies of omission. Others will be lies of obfuscation. Or lies of minimization. Lies told by people who are simply too afraid to look at such a barbarous reality. And lies told by people whose true beliefs are too ugly to quite say aloud. Turn on cable news and you can hear some of them right now.
So let’s get some facts straight.…
A 50th Anniversary War?
Why did Hamas stage a long-planned, carefully executed and multifaceted attack on Israeli towns, soldiers, and civilians—one designed to instill terror by executing noncombatants, taking hostages, and desecrating the bodies of the dead?
And how were the killers able to enter Israeli proper in enough numbers to kill what could be hundreds and perhaps eventually wound what could be thousands?
a) Ostensibly, radical Palestinians wanted to stop any rumored rapprochement between the Gulf monarchies—the traditional source of much of their cash—and Israel, by forcing the issue of Arab solidarity in times of “war”, especially through waging a gruesome attack aimed at civilians and encompassing executions and hostage taking. Iran likely was the driving force to prompt the war—given its greatest fear is a Sunni Arab-Israeli rapprochement.
b) Arab forces have had only success against Israel through surprise attacks during Israeli holidays, as in the Yom Kippur War (i.e., was it any accident that the present attack began 50-years almost to the day after the October 6, 1973 beginning of the Yom Kippur War?). And so they struck again this Saturday during Simchat Torah, coming at the end of a weeklong Jewish celebration of Sukkot—in hopes that others will join in as happened in 1973. (So much for the Arab warnings not for Westerners to conduct war during Ramadan).
c) Hamas may have reckoned that recent Israeli turmoil and mass leftist street protests over proposed reforms of the Israeli Supreme Court had led to permanent internal divisions and thus a climate of domestic distraction if not an erosion of deterrence.
But, more importantly, in a larger sense the Biden administration has contributed both to the notion that Hamas was a legitimate Middle East player, and to the perception that the U.S. was backing away from its traditional support for Israel—to the delight of Hamas—based on the following inexplicable policies:
1) In February Secretary of State Blinken had bragged that not only had the Biden administration resumed massive aid to the PLA cancelled by Trump, but cumulatively had transferred $1 billion—even as Palestinian authorities bragged that they would continue to pay bounties to the families of “martyrs” (i.e., those killed while conducting terrorists attacks against Israel).
And millions of American dollars also went into Gaza, run by Hamas—despite the Biden administration’s efforts to keep mostly quiet the resumption of such inexplicable support. In this regard, note the current shameful State-Department (“U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs”) website news release that was posted after today’s attack. It ended with this quite embarrassing, morally equivalent admonition:
“We urged all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.”
"All sides?" "Refrain from retaliatory attacks?”
So Israel is the moral equivalent of terrorists executing civilians and brutalizing their corpses? And the IDF then is not supposed to retaliate against these killers?
This Biden State Department insanity cannot stand. So expect some apparatchik to take down this Munich-like posting as soon as possible.
2) The Biden administration had recently released some $6 billion to Iran through a prison swap deal that saw South Korea hand over embargoed Iranian money to Qatar—despite Tehran’s increased anti-Israeli rhetoric and its loud brag about the escalation. We should assume money for rockets (Hamas claims they have launched 5,000, and have received 100,000 of them via the Damascus airport) and weapons in general for Hamas were supplied by Iran, which again is likely the chief catalyst for this surprise attack.
3) Almost immediately, after his inauguration Biden mobilized to resume the bankrupt Iran deal. And in unhinged fashion he appointed the anti-Israeli bigot, pro-Iranian journalist Robert Malley as America’s chief negotiator. Note that Malley is now under FBI investigation for security breaches, involving disclosing classified U.S. documents and also for allegedly helping pro-Iranian activists and propagandists land influential billets inside the U.S. government.
In short, there was a general Hamas and Iranian perception that the Biden administration had resumed the discredited Obama madness of empowering Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas. This discredited agenda was to “balance” the power of Israel and the moderate Arab Gulf governments to achieve “creative tension”, exacerbated by Biden’s loathing of the government of BenjamÃn Netanyahu (who has been snubbed by Biden and never invited for an official visit).
Note as well that the Biden administration has siphoned off key weapons and munitions from stockpiles inside Israel to transfer them to Ukraine. The so-called “War Reserve Ammunition—Israel" is all but depleted of just the sorts of weapons needed in the present crisis.
In this regard is there not a pattern here?
Upon the ascension of Biden and his woke military agendas, we saw the following: the complete humiliation of the U.S. in Kabul in its most shameful flight in 50 years and greatest abandonment of equipment in its history; followed by Vladimir Putin’s opportunistic invasion of Ukraine; followed by China’s new belligerence and escalating threats to Taiwan; followed by Turkey’s new de facto alliance with Russia and recent drone encounter with the U.S. air force in Syria; followed by the Hamas/Iranian inspired attack on Israel—with more to come unfortunately.
And will Biden finally get the message from the attacks on the Ukraine and Israeli borders, that borders matter and we too are being invaded, with the encouragement of the Mexican government and to the advantage of the cartels whose fentanyl exports kills 100,000 Americans a year?
What to expect in Israel?
Expect the following: the usual Hamas/terrorist selling and/or execution of Israeli hostages, the use of Israeli hostages as “human shields” in Gaza, the bargaining/sale of the remains of Israeli dead, occasional killings of Jews inside Israel by Arabs who falsely believe there will be a winning Middle East-wide existential war against Israel. And finally, a devastating Israeli counter-response that will eventually earn a U.S. rebuke.
What should the U.S. instead do?
It should quit talking to Iran and restore full sanctions against it. It should cut off all aid immediately to all the Palestinians. It should undertake a 1973-like massive arms lift of key munitions to Israel and warn Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and others in the Middle East not to intervene or else, given that Israel will need several weeks to deal with Hamas and Gaza. And if it shows any hesitation or weakness, other terrorist groups will opportunistically jump in.
-Victor David Hanson, Hoover Institute
This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind.
I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense.
This is another sickening Biden debacle. Eighty Four Billion Dollars of weapon’s left behind in Afghanistan. Worse yet it is al in the Taliban hands.
Final account of USA military equipment and cash left behind in Afghanistan per GAO Report
Date: June 30, 2023 at 8:44:08 PM PDT
Thanks to the Government Accountability Office, we now have a clear picture of just how much U.S. military equipment has fallen into the hands of the Taliban, thanks to Joe Biden's bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan. Let's have a look...
Aircraft: The Taliban now ranks #26 in the world in total military aircraft, thanks to us leaving behind 208 planes and helicopters: 110 helicopters 60 transport/cargo planes 20 light attack planes 18 intelligence/surveillance planes
Vehicles: You've probably seen the
Subject: Final account of USA military equipment and cash left behind in Afghanistan per GAO Report
Read it and WEEP..................
Final account of USA military equipment and cash left behind in Afghanistan per GAO Report
Date: June 30, 2023 at 8:44:08 PM PDT
Thanks to the Government Accountability Office, we now have a clear picture of just how much U.S. military equipment has fallen into the hands of the Taliban, thanks to Joe Biden's bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan. Let's have a look...
Aircraft: The Taliban now ranks #26 in the world in total military aircraft, thanks to us leaving behind 208 planes and helicopters: 110 helicopters 60 transport/cargo planes 20 light attack planes 18 intelligence/surveillance planes
Vehicles: You've probably seen the footage of the Taliban riding around in our Humvees. We left a total of 75,898 vehicles: 42,604 tactical vehicles 22,174 Humvees 8,998 medium tactical vehicles 1,005 recovery vehicles 928 mine-resistant vehicles 189 armored tanks
Weapons: Get ready for this...
599,690 of our weapons are now in the hands of the Taliban: 358,530 rifles 126,295 pistols 64,363 machine guns 25,327 grenade launchers 12,692 shotguns 9,877 RPGs 2,606 howitzers
And you can throw in a couple thousand night-vision goggles, surveillance drones, and communication devices on that list as well.
Price tag: In total, it adds up to nearly $84 billion dollars in tax-payer-funded U.S. military equipment.
Joe Biden just funded an army of terrorists in Afghanistan.
Source: GAO analysis of Department of Defense data.
PS Don’t Forget “THE CASH”, A ROOM FULL of “CASH”.
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Hearing the call of the shofar, the sheep awoke momentarily, moving their collective heads in unison slightly to the right and then back to the left, before falling back into another year-long hibernation of sorts on this, the occasion of the religious 'High Holidays.'
Would God be a Democrat or Conservative?, one asks at this time of the Jewish High Holy days. Clear to us, What about you? Will the call of the shofar awake the Jews and non-Jews this year?
On Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year followed by Yom Kippur-Day of Attonrment) it is said the Jews (and perhaps all mankind and womankind) are to reawaken God. It is said to be their
responsibility to show interest
-e.g.speaking out is important. Then, God knows we care and are doing our part and He will be there to help. But we must first help ourselves by showing interest and not expecting God to do all the work.
No need to travel and run from our homes. There is plenty to enjoy and discover right here. The Bible tells we should seek out new positive experiences each day right where we are....and not waste time and money traveling the world trying to 'find a better place.' That place is here, where we are right now.
A man down on his luck woke up one day to find a $5 bill on the floor with no idea how lt got there.
After showering, the same man , long fighting a weight problem , among other things , noted when on the scale that he had lost FIVE pounds in one day!
Not to mention that his birthday was May 5. A religious man, he thanked God that night for all the good fortune, as it were, believing that luck had begun coming to him and he was eager for it to continue including getting a mortgage at 5% at time of inflation and mtg rates over 7%. More good things continued for him that he attributed to the lucky number FIVE. As if his good luck was here to stay, He told God that he decided to go for the ' Gold Ring ' and put all his life savings on Horse No. 5 tomorrow at the race track.
Even though God cautioned the man about Greed and superstition, he went to the racetrack , anyway. the next day and put all his money on Horse # 5.
That night during his prayers, a very distraught man was approached by God , who inquired as to why the man was so upset.
'Horse No. 5 came in FIFTH!' The man told God, acting as though it was God-s fault.
The Bible is a guide from God to find one's way to the best, most honorable life, e.g. the 10 commandments .
God gives us a lot of things to help us, such as Noah's Ark. It's what we do with those things that count.
What do the 4 sounds of the shofar mean?
The shofar has four sounds: tekiah, a long, loud blast calling people to attention; shevarim, three broken blows which sound like crying; teruah, nine or more staccato rings serving as a wakeup call to the new year; and tekiah gedolah, a great blast played at the end of the Rosh Hashanah service.
Conservatives must hammer home-ask repeatedly ahead of election:
Are Dems Sinister or Stupid?
-why would cities with major drug problems legalize drugs, give them to homeless-oh, sorry- unhoused?
-why with major crime problem defund police?
-Are you better off today after almost 4 years of Joe Biden?
My absolutely-favorite "PEARL CLUTCHER," an occasional guest at my grandparent's dinner table, was MARGRET CHASE SMITH.
Senator Smith was bright, witty, and absolutely honorable old-fashioned Republican. She spoke-out for equality throughout nine years serving in the US House and twenty-four years serving in the US Senate. Her work in both House and Senate was laser-focused on government integrity.
Senator Smith stated the basic principles of "Americanism" were:
The right to criticize;
The right to hold unpopular beliefs;
The right to protest;
The right of independent thought.
As old Walter Cronkeit- schooled journalists we continue to be amazed and appalled how today's mainstream media-99% of media- seem to either purposely ignore news stories or even alter some to fit management/political narratives.
Latest cases in point:
No media seem to have covered the terrible killing of a white man, Lawrence Herr, by blacks who admitted to wanting to find a white person to kill for no other reason than color of skin. Only a few local media - and obituaries -covered the story as of this writing. Heres one
According to police statistics, 84% of biracial murders are by blacks against whites, but, Instead of getting it getting it right, THE MEDIA went after a different story they liked better: New York nurse who purportedly stole a bike from some blacks- at least thats the way the media would have it come out . In fact , the story was totally the opposite. The media had no byinterest in investigating the situation to learn thst this very frightened woman? Who herslef was being intentionally targeted and harrassed by the same blacks thatbshe had supposedly stolen the bike from. In fact , her lawyers showed the receipt thst she had paid for the city rental bike..... but that's not all.
The Woman, who is six months pregnant was fired from her nursing job at a major NY hospital before even investig as ting the story..
And a related story the same week Involving a long time baseball announcer , Glen Kuiper, who was fired by the network carrying the Oakland As for an apparent racial fauxpaw for which he had quickly apPologized- again before any kind of an investigation. MORE
Here you have one, maybe two , innocent people who's lives have been turned upside down if not ruined.
We're definitely Iiving in scary, even dangerous times and people need to start demanding more of the media . Thst is why we are sharing this with you and maybe we can finally demand better accou n tability from our complicit, Pravda-like media we Americans used to rail against. Wake Up America!
3. NOW #RussiaHoax Confirmed Including FBI / Govt. Interference for the express purpose of affecting the 2020 #Presidential Election ☑️ 🚛 🇷🇺 ✅
Devin Nunes: 'Durham Report Should Scare the Hell Out of Everyone'
CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told Newsmax on Monday that even after a cursory reading, the Durham Report on FBI misconduct in its investigation of ties between Russia and Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign should "scare the living hell out of everyone."
"I take this from my early just cruising of the report, and that is that the Department of Justice and the FBI are solely owned by the Democratic Party and their propaganda machine," Nunes, CEO of Trump Media & Technology Group, told "The Chris Salcedo Show." "This Durham report ought to scare the living hell out of everyone because think about this, it has only gotten worse since this time period.
"We're talking about 2016 and 2017 and 2018. This changed the course of human history. It changed the course of our elections. Remember? We had to sit through year after year after year of this nonsense of Trump and Republicans having something to do with Russia."
And here’s a variation on the theme that seems to have a reliable source. The quote below can be found on page 181 of the book:
The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them. ― Elena Gorokhova, author, A Mountain of Crumbs
Both of the above authors (Solzhenitsyn and Elena Gorokhova) may have developed their sayings based on an old Soviet joke which reads like the following:
The authorities pretend they are paying wages, workers pretend they are working.
Alternatively, So long as the bosses pretend to pay us, we will pretend to work. (via Wikipedia).
Corrupt Societies Encourage Lying
They see the media lie and the Corporate Media lie leaning left (shall we say -leaning left lies?), The President
too- regarding everything from his association with his dope-smoking, hooker-chasing, money-laundering son to his denial of an open border to widespread accusations of racism and white supremecy to inflation for which the U.S. Media covers up. It wasn't always this way- only in recent years since Obama-Biden has it gotten really bad. Is there a topic Biden doesn't lie blatantly about and his spokesperson always cover for him?
How likely are you to tell a lie? A new study links individual cheating with institutionalized rule-breaking. SIRAWIT99/ISTOCKPHOTO
When do we decide it's OK to tell a lie? Perhaps when we see people in positions of power doing the same. A new study finds that individuals are more likely to lie if they live in a country with high levels of institutional corruption and fraud—suggesting that poorly run institutions hurt society in more ways than previously suspected.
Past research has shown that people are more likely to break the rules if those around them are also doing so. For instance, people surrounded by graffiti and litter are more likely to drop trash themselves. "But what we really don't know is to what extent societal norms like political fraud, corruption, and tax evasion trickle down—and to what extent such societal norms corrupt individuals," says Shaul Shalvi, a behavioral scientist at the University of Amsterdam who was not involved in the work.
To find out, researchers pulled data on government corruption, tax evasion, and election fraud from the World Bank and Freedom House, a nongovernmental organization that researches democracy and political freedom, for 159 countries. They combined these rates into an index that measured institutionalized rule-breaking.
-SCIENCE 3-9-16 laurel Hamers
We watched as lying and cheating became pervasive even going back to President Clinton , who lied about having extramarital sex in the White house. And then it got even worse with wife Hillary- 'what difference does it make?'- a few years later with Benghazi and then destroying her home server and 30,000 emails which FBI director Comey would overlook.
Hillary and Democrats got very upset when they accused Trump of stealing the 2016 election. But they seemed to Do a pretty good job themselves in 2020
As lying and cheating were becomi g pervasive throughout society, i remember watching a obviously bloated, cartoonish Barry Bonds break homerun records willy-nilly and later perjur himself for denying his use of steroids for more than a decade (1997-2007)
years while knowing fans- especially in Bonds' San Francisco hometown- ignored the cheating and soon steroid use was rabid throughout baseball , which did little to discourage it other than Giving announced steroid tests once or twice a year.
Then there was champion cyclist Lance Armstong denying his steroid use . (Armstrong was finally resolved of his position yet Bonds wasn't ans even had his perjury charge removed by liberal courts. Since then Cheating and lying has become widespread as people see their 'Heroes' lie and che a t. Today it's gotten so bad thst many stores in Major cities like SF are having to close due tobr a Rampant and blatant theft that goes unpunished. Frankly, this is happening in largely blue (Dem) cities where police defunding had been rampant.
It appears that Donald Trump can be found ‘not guilty’ of rape, but be found guilty of ‘defaming’ the accuser; be criminally indicted on bogus charges during an election campaign, but get a gag order from a judge warning not to defend himself; can tell people to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard on J6, but be accused of inciting an ‘insurrection’; be impeached over a call with the Ukrainian president seeking legitimate and credible information about Biden corruption in Ukraine that pertains to national security; be falsely accused of Russian collusion by a rival political candidate who committed actual Russian collusion; be raided for ‘classified documents’ he had the right to take as president, while being set up by a president who took classified documents
while vice president and stored them in unsecure locations; be accused of ‘disinformation’ over the 2020 election by claiming it was ‘rigged,’ even as we have docs that prove the intel community committed ‘election interference’ by fabricating a letter calling the Hunter Biden laptop ‘disinformation.’
John Adams (1860) – Constitution was not designed for immoral people
Please ‘splain me Lucy:
1 Q. Why was there never violence at other Trump rallies until this one while there WAS violence at democratic- inspired protests all summer long? (Think Antifa, BLM)
A. After 4 years of pent up Anger you may have seen some fed up republicans explode after a 2nd (senate) election stolen with the last (unlikely) chance to turn the presidency around and\or You may have even seen some dem-inspired antifa or the like involved in the Capital breakin masquerading as GOP.
you won’t see this in fake news
2: Q. Where was the security at the Capitol, especially this day with so many major political figures involved?
A. Perhaps playing into the situation , DC mayor /cops perhaps Enabling those antifas and the like masquerading as gop? Or perhaps the whole thing was another Dem setup even affecting some naive GOP Senators:
Just a thought. The GOP protest is labelled a ‘bloody coup’ by the Dem media .
3. Why is there no outrage of the Air Force officer vet shot and killed by police
Sam Adams, Thomas Paine, etc. never felt that way.
Imagine if there was half the outrage all summer long when regular people’s homes and businesses were torched -not the political class.
‘If you want to have a life in Wash today you have to play the (Dem) game and get along with them’-Rush Limbaugh. latest Dem tactic is to separate trump’s supporters from trump Thats why so many political insiders are suddenly abandoning Trump. And why the few that aren’t abandoning Trump are so hated , such as senator Cruz. Between insider politics and new social media devices republicans dont have a chance. The Dems want a political coffin e.g. ‘We don’t want to be nice…’ to the other side -Hank Johnson .
Only positive now is that the media won’t have a president to torture every day-or wait. Maybe they will start eating their own- but probably not. Theyll find ways to keep torturing Trump and his supporters even though he’s out of office
constitutional expert Jonathan Turley, regarding potential election fraud, noting the 40% of voters who feel the election was stolen. Turley feels the one prior fraud case,in 1870, was not a good precedent to follow and that we’re in ‘uncharted territory’ and that a election committee as proposed by senator Cruz is a good idea
Editorial: GA Vote DeJa Vu All Over Again
They got to 98% of GA Vote count. Why the heck couldn’t they just finish the vote same day like its supposed to be rather than stopping the vote count, causing a lot of more Dem fraud suspicion just like last election? #voterfraud
By the way, Even Mexico has voter ID
Will GOP roll over again or fight more voting illegalities?
JANUARY 6 LAST STAND FOR GOP… Possible Path to Overturn Election
DID YOU KNOW? Democrats 11 times tried to stop the electoral college vote in 2016?
Questions that should be asked by GOP of election Dems Jan 6: Why won’t Dems: 1) swear under oath And show background of voting 2) show error logs for particularly Biden voted And 238,000 votes switched elec nite 3) Why are whistleblowers in Texas being especiallypersecuted? 4) where are all the LEGAL VOTES (not illegal ones) 5)How could Trump suddenly lose 238,000 votes in 5 key states AFTER VOTE COUNT WAS STOPPED?
Bonus question 6) How could Pelosi -the woman who went to a salon during covid prohibition- set up plexiglass barriers for covid-positive people to vote for her speakership yet we had to have mail-in ballots for the rest of the nation vote in the general elections?
-Democrats and media have been attacking the Constitution by going around GOP state legislatures in not only Pennsylvania but Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia to illegally change election laws using Dem-friendly judges and courts. Even without regarding the tens of thousands of stolen votes thru unverified signatures, illegal mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting etc., the Biden electors should be disregarded.
-The Supreme Court is complicit for doing nothing when given the opportunity. Mark Levin lays it all out here for ill-informed and contrary politicians, perfectly timed for Jan. 6 Day of Reckoning.
-Democrats and media have been attacking the Constitution by going around GOP state legislatures in not only Pennsylvania but Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia to illegally change laws using Dem-friendly judges thru unverified signatures, illegal mail-in ballots, harvesting etc.
-Over 150 GA precincts had over 90% of votes for Biden in Fulton County -statistically improbable. In 8 minutes 12,000 votes very exactly switched from Trump to Biden
-Huckabee sums up 2020 and whats in store for 2021>
-Senator Lankford on Judge Pirro Stands with 12 senators,Americans Right to Verify US Election Results” could result in bi party investigation and & delay inauguration
-Chuck Fleishman D -Tn: Dec 6 electoral college vote is a Last stand forever . 36% already believe fraudulent election including 10 % of Dems. We are not naive. Election should not be a political issue. This is a Legacy vote .
Retro New Year Spectacular – Top 10 Resolution Deals, 80% Off Dining, Jan. 6 Day of Reckoning > #NewYearsResolutions #diet #weightloss #loan
– Already GOP have the one senator and 1 house member needed to put
electoral count act in play…. Key for GOP is to DELAY...
-Can get 4 states to debate up to 2 hours each… To prevent tie breaker where governor breaks tie. If no electoral college wi ner senate picks vp Pence and house votes by state delegation, controlled by GOP though house will demand Pelosi= a tie.
Where house would revote and Trump could be reelected though ‘Turtle’ McConnell is already trying to ‘shame’ GOP. Despite that Biden and Dems used this taxtic 11 times…Biden was highly involved in trying to block Trump in 2016 so why not GOP have same opportunity this time?
-If there’s no voter fraud or not enough why are the dems trying so hard to block aNything to do with the election? #FIGHTBack #dems #election #fightback #voterfraud #novoterfraud
-Poor Trudeau of Canada- another brain dead ‘leader’ saying he most admires China and need for weather correction above all else
-Did DC threat scare off Supremes, Barr, GOP: ‘If Trump wins cities will burn.’ Founders were willing to risk but not today’s weak legislators
-‘Georgia Senate race could be the same thing though it will be more difficult this time for them .’ Follow Sidney powell.
-Over a Thousand ‘testifiers’ are being ignored by judges! Criminal! Powell: Never before has the vote count been stopped in elections. That other side is working so hard to hide this…’water leak,’ etc ‘Rampant voter fraud’ is being purposely ignored after Trump overwhelmed
No way Trump could ever ‘win’ as system stands … We all saw what happened even with 10 million more Trump votes than 2016 and probably more than that. Trump ‘lost ‘ as Dems ‘Stuff the ballot box’ as needed . Will probably ‘lose’ the Georgia Senate race too if nothing is done . FBI and AG should’ve jumped on this right away. MIA. Only hope now is Trump and the people . RISE UP
Software engineers report Dominion flipped ‘minimum of 138,000 votes’ from Trump to Biden in Michigan A bombshell analysis of four counties in Michigan has been released by a team of mathematical experts led by an MIT-educated scientist that concludes tens of thousands of votes were transferred from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in that state. More – report Dominion flipped ‘minimum of 138,000 votes’ from Trump to Biden in Michigan- Software engineers report Dominion flipped ‘minimum of 138,000 votes’ from Trump to Biden in Michigan A bombshell analysis of four counties in Michigan has been released by a team of mathematical experts led by an MIT-educated scientist that concludes tens of thousands of votes were transferred from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in that state.
–Debra Caron, Mich. DOMINION WHISTLEBLOWER calls out Dominion exec with evidence-personally watched vote machines hooked up to internet: ‘He lied. They’re scared of me.’
-Carol Biden, campaign mgr. reportedly has conflict as part owner of Dominion vote machines co.
“I was talking with some of the constituents back at home–a group of about 30 people–and every single one of them told me they felt they had been disenfranchised, that their votes didn’t matter and that the election had been rigged,” said Hawley. > more
2015 Meeting with Chinese Officials
2015 Meeting with Chinese Officials
These are the officials that are in this picture:
Sen. Ben Cardin Sen. Dianne Feinstein Sen. Harry Reid Rep. Nancy Pelosi Sen. Mitch McConnell
-ELECTION SUMMARY: The legal system didn’t allow for transparency in the election is the problem as the Supreme Court, Facebook $500 mil contribution to dem candidates and Dominion’s sudden ownership changes just before election all destroyed confidence in the electoral system. Forget next time. What bout this time?
–Report the mockingbird media and tell us any good media while you’re at it.
–Senators: Dont come home without letting ‘our vote ‘ count Jan 5
Biden long-time China friend
–Senators McConnell and Biden are longtime China-loving buddies who made their fortunes off China.
No wonder McConnell caved into Biden. McConnell is a professional Republican who hasn’t said a word about the clearly stolen election. It only takes one senator to stand up January 5 and start a hearing on the election and McConnell would be best choice but he’ll never do it.
-Circular, self-defeating excuses by Dems (and some Republicans):
’There’s not enough fraud to overturn the election. ”How do you know? Did you investigate to even find out. We have over 1,000 sworn testimonies with affidavits . And we have audits of Dominion voting machines that we we can show changed hundreds of thousands of votes and you won’t investigate the most important election of the century?
Yes! All America knows Trump won, but the dishonest Democrat judges won’t let Trump’s lawyers present the whistle-blower evidence.! Not to worry though, Trump has some deep staters turning states evidence. Plus he can always call martial law!!!!
ELECTION CORRECTION IN HANDS OF PEOPLE Yes! All America knows Trump won, but the dishonest Democrat judges won’t let Trump’s lawyers present the whistle-blower evidence.! Not to worry though, Trump has some deep staters turning states evidence. Plus he can always call martial law!!!! The election fight could go on for quite a time -A marathon not a Sprint Since the liberal state courts are playing politics not doing their jobs -Until the election rules get changed back constitutionally, which will probably force the Supreme Court to finally act responsibly To reclaim the correct election rules as they were before The Dems turned them on their heads. May take the people to rise up and force pressure on the supreme chickens. May as well start now.
-If you’re a Democrat you can sleep with the enemy, take millions…. but Republicans censured for looking at native american. Will things change?
-Seems like Biden is more interested in finding rhe ‘right’ color people for his cabinet than qualified ones. Few of his picks have had any experience in tRepublicans could still take out Biden with the electoral count act Much like Biden tried to take out Trump with the Logan act if McConnel doesn’t get in way first (why?) #electoralcollege
The supremes chickened out.
Mark Levin are right. The supremes chickened out. Thry saw what antifa did to Conservatives during the summer in the riots and such And they didn’t want it to happen to them if they caused a loss to the demoncats. They knew the GOP Wouldn’t come after them- literally- like the democrats would. They rather let 74 million-plus Americans suffer many setbacks after corroborating an unfair election and make their votes not count. No wonder the dams don’t want us to arm ourselves but it’s OK for their rioters .
Most of Supremes Also don’t like Donald Trump and the rest of us, Especially Roberts. Politics play a role in the recent DACA Decision. So much for the 5 to 4 majority. And the other judges and courts in the hand picked inner cities weren’t any better. Even AG Barr Made his quick get away before he might have to work hard. No, President Trump didn’t lose- especially after all that campaigning he did and Biden did not. What a Shame The courts he propped up let him down, losing for him and , as a result for all of us. Say good night Gracie.
Meanwhile Arizona Senate also holding hearing 12-14 on election integrity
Tony Bobulinski Interview drew 7.6 million viewers
-In The Bobolinski interview on Fox last month and replayed on 12-13 Bobolinski specifically says he did the interview for the American public to help them navigate the presidential election that was blocked by the media. So MEDIA were definitely responsible for that and keeping the American public from the knowledge to know who to vote for . The media should definitely be held accountable for blocking the truth from the American public>
Biden ‘caught up’ election night after polls closed, gaining over 400,000 votes (94%) to Trumps 36,000 (8%) in a matter of 4 hours.Subscribe to weekly updates
Editor: Atty. LIN WOOD is correct. WHY would one want to go out and vote again in another rigged election in Georgia? Why would Loeffleur and Perdue want to subject themselves to another loss. They’re crazy if they don t demand the Jan. 5 election be Corrected and really monitored this time and all the mistakes made Nov 3 be corrected.
Supreme Court General Contact Information: U.S. Mail: Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543 Telephone: 202-479-3000 TTY: 202-479-3472 (Available M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern)
–EDITOR: Photo ID would solve all the voting problems except mail ballots which you don’t need if you have absentee ballots but Alas the democrats Get their cheaty way again.
-‘looking for some courageous people On the inside who will stand up for us’- D Trump
Is Georgia governor Kemp in on the election fix?, I. E. Friendly with Stacey Abrams? Why else would Kemp be so adamant about NOT bringing back the legislature that is/was legally supposed to have made the initial election changes rather than the state courts
–Georgia going through what Florida went through 20 years ago Florida was able to turn things round in count all the ballots on election day and hopefully Georgian remedy things and do the same things are done now it will just keep going on like this
-‘Wish there was a bipartisan interest effort. And we need the media to get a little bit curious’
–Senators Jordan and Dozal(sp): ‘ I will be happy to run a special election (in Georgia). we need to give the people the truth” said the election head of election. ‘We have a problem in this state. “we need to give the people the truth per one of the senators who suggested a getting help through the state Supreme Court or in the FBI
Atty. Jenna Ellis tells us we have to Jan 5 when electoral college votes certified-plenty time for Supreme Court challenge. Notes additional 4 lawsuits in 4 states re. State officials violating election Law
Paxton noted in the lawsuit that the election ‘suffered from significant and constitutional irregularities in the defendant states.” including ‘unequal treatment’ in state counties similar to 2002 Gore vs Bush
-Michigan Judge orders audit of 22 Dominion voting machines in Michigan.
Meanwhile at least three other states still in play despite the odds- Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin -Wake Up America
-one of Trump lawsuits for305,000 absentee ballots filed for after election day’. Other is for ‘unequal treatment’ in state counties similar to 2002 Gore vs Bush
Satnurday Night, PRESIDENT TRUMP APPEARS HIS OWN BEST MEDIA in emphatic rally speech in Georgia in support of upcoming Senate election and GOP Senators Perdue and Leoffler. Trump not only played them up but explained the alleged corruption in recent Presidential election in his continuing fight to beat the odds and overturn the Biden ‘win.’ Trump also cleverly included the ‘smoking gun’ video from Georgia election night vote count, as also scene in these pagesBut First, Glen Beck expresses the way many of us feel not just about the election but everything leading up to it…
SMOKING (Suitcases) GUN Could Mean Georgia Victory for Trump
20 House Republicans demand7 Barr investigate ‘suitcases’ of ballots in Georgia -wash times
Smoking Gun ( or smoking suitcases) Georgia video key- cannot be explained by Dems. 4 cases of 6,000 ballots pulled out from under table late at nite after required poll watchers sent home. ATTY. JACKIE PICK NOTED THE AMOUNT OF BALLOTS (6K EACH=24k) WAS BEYOND MARGIN OF VICTORY. Will Trump team come up with more smoking guns in other states?
From the same hearing:
‘ I will be happy to run a special election (in Georgia). we need to give the people the truth” said the election head. ‘We have a problem in this state. “we need to give the people the truth ” per one of the senators who suggested getting help through the state Supreme Court or in the FBI since they can’t supoena
CALL FOR #ElectionReDo in Swing States. Interesting suggestion heard on the Limbaugh show with Marc Stein and against caller who brought up the idea if Trump can get a Supreme Court hearing suggest a compromise of redoing the election- redo only in the swing States, which is where it counts. With scrutiny , this time Trump should fare much better . People should start using hashtag #electionredo
Every Legal Vote is a citizen coalition using reports, affidavits and math to answer the key 2020 election questions: was there fraud, was it widespread, and did it impact the outcome of the election? See something suspicious? Let us know. This site is not able to validate such information, but will share it with those who can. Help preserve election integrity.A Primer on Fraud
See Map *************************** Help Us Thank Sidney
‘YOU CAN BE ASSURED RUDY AND I WILL STAY ON IT.’ referring to the election ‘corruption’ case, says atty Sidney Powell . Join over 1000 people in helping EVERY LEGAL VOTE to thank Sidney Powell Recent Stories ***************************
“At Collier Township Pennsylvania, the voting location wouldn’t let the Poll watcher inside. We knew right away that this had to be illegal and fraudulent” Pennsylvania
SMOKING GUN Real Video Evidence From Georgia election hearings shows GOP poll watchers being sent home only to have democrats stay overnight to continue ballot count to put Biden Ahead
To stop this, people should get the Georgia Legislature to change the rules so the exact same theft does not guarantee a Democratic victory. With a Republican majority in both houses and a Republican governor, we can do this if we apply pressure.
We need the Legislature:
* To fire the Dominion Voting System and count mail and absentee ballots by hand.
* To override the consent decree the state signed with the Democrats earlier this year and require strict signature verification.
* To require the preservation of the signed envelopes in which ballots are returned and staple them to the actual ballots so we know who invalid ballots voted for.
* Require the names of all who voted be given to each party within four days of election and that they have seven days to challenge ineligible voters.
* If this cannot be accomplished before Jan. 5, postpone the election until it can be done and leave in office the two Republican Senators in the interim.
–To travel or not to travel- Over Thanksgiving I traveled twice, once to the bathroom and once to get a diet Coke. The scenery was amazing, those artificial lilies were breathtaking. LOL. EDITORIAL: #FIGHTBack Any conservative who says Trump should ‘move on’ and give into a fake and deceitful Biden ‘victory’ is misguided and asking for many more years of Democrat domination and problems. It’s that continued #fightback we’re seeing from Trump that is exactly what we like about Trump and need from him and if we give in to their obvious cheating and lies all the good Trump has done will be reversed and the country WILL BE a total socialist mess for many years to come, perhaps the rest if our lives!
PATRIOT BREAKING ALERT: Information being received NOW that Communist China purchased Dominion Voting in October 8 for $400M. Efforts underway to verify. If true, this confirms other evidence that Communists intend to overthrow our government to get our precious land. NOT ON OUR WATCH. –ATTY. LIN WOOD Project Veritas Says It’s Been Recording CNN’s 9AM Phone Calls for Months, Will Start Releasing Tuesday Night #ExposeCNN‘Election was a Fraud… Rigged Election at the highest level… This is far from over,’ exclaims fired-up President Trump in Thanksgiving Day Q and A after giving video message to military overseas – his first extended press conference in about three weeks discussing the election. ‘People understand what happened…a lot will be happening’ between now and when the Electoral College meets mid-December. ABOVE VIDEO IS ONLY A SMALL PART OF THE WIDE-RANGING PRESS CONFERENCE THAT WENT ON FOR ABOUT 45 MINUTES. OTHER PRESS CONFERENCE FEEDS WERE EITHER DELETED, NOT POSTED OR VOLUME WAS DIMINISHED {BY YOUTUBE?}
CALL FOR #ElectionReDo in Swing States. Interesting suggestion heard on the Limbaugh show with Marc Stein and against caller who brought up the idea if Trump can get a Supreme Court hearing suggest a compromise of redoing the election- redo only in the swing States, which is where it counts. With scrutiny , this time Trump should fare much better . People should start using hashtag #electionredo
Ballots are recounted in Gwinnett County, Georgia (Getty
The following peculiarities also lack compelling explanations:
Late on election night, with Trump comfortably ahead, many swing states stopped counting ballots. In most cases, observers were removed from the counting facilities. Counting generally continued without the observers
Statistically abnormal vote counts were the new normal when counting resumed. They were unusually large in size (hundreds of thousands) and had an unusually high (90 percent and above) Biden-to-Trump ratio
Late arriving ballots were counted. In Pennsylvania, 23,000 absentee ballots have impossible postal return dates and another 86,000 have such extraordinary return dates they raise serious questions
The failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots. The destruction of mail-in ballot envelopes, which must contain signatures
Historically low absentee ballot rejection rates despite the massive expansion of mail voting. Such is Biden’s narrow margin that, as political analyst Robert Barnes observes, ‘If the states simply imposed the same absentee ballot rejection rate as recent cycles, then Trump wins the election’
Missing votes. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 50,000 votes held on 47 USB cards are missing
Non-resident voters. Matt Braynard’s Voter Integrity Project estimates that 20,312 people who no longer met residency requirements cast ballots in Georgia. Biden’s margin is 12,670 votes
Serious ‘chain of custody’ breakdowns. Invalid residential addresses. Record numbers of dead people voting. Ballots in pristine condition without creases, that is, they had not been mailed in envelopes as required by law
Statistical anomalies. In Georgia, Biden overtook Trump with 89 percent of the votes counted. For the next 53 batches of votes counted, Biden led Trump by the same exact 50.05 to 49.95 percent margin in every single batch. It is particularly perplexing that all statistical anomalies and tabulation abnormalities were in Biden’s favor. Whether the cause was simple human error or nefarious activity, or a combination, clearly something peculiar happene
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–ELECTION: Biden Won 477 Counties vs Obama Who Won 689 in 2012 – Yet Biden Magically Gained 13 Million More Votes Than Obama
ELECTION: Biden Won 477 Counties vs Obama Who Won 689 in 2012 – Yet Biden Magically Gained 13 Million More Votes Than Obama
–Georgia investigating groups sending absentee ballots to out of state voters
Sara Carter Nov 30, 2020
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced he is opening an investigation into whether outside groups are registering people from other states to illegally vote in the Jan. 5 Senate Race
–How does the country get those three years back?‘ former deputy national security adviser asks in new book
Were living in a cheating society now where cheating is condoned by half of America. At least 30% of democrats admitted to knowing that the election was a fraud in many more probably know they wanted to it
–Even if fired Anti-Trump ‘election man’ appearing on ‘fake 60 Minutes’ was right about the ballots having paper backups, 5% he admitted to, that still means 7 million votes which were probably deleted Trump votes and/or Biden adds. And how come 60 Minutes didn’t get the other side of the story as good journalists always used to do. The White says they were never contacted for their retort
–Nobody has won the presidency with as few counties -only 16% of the county’s were won by Biden – Biden the 1st when elected president to lose Ohio – Biden 1st president to win with HARDLY campaigning while Trump is probably the 1st one to lose after doing 10 times more campaigning than his opponent or like a 100 times for – How come Trump had easy victories in Florida AND Iowa but couldn’t win in similar States like Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania? – How could the overnight drops be so one sided like 90% Biden over Trump even mail-in votes …
From Bartiromo Sunday futures… Maria Bartiromo Questions ‘dismissive’ Chase’ Jesse Diamond, even GOP supporter Steven Schwartsman: ‘Just move on’. ‘
Trump: ‘Only won in 2016 Because we caught them by surprise.’ (Dems were ready for 2020 after 4 years of subterfuge) ‘If mail-in voting remains you’ll never have another Republican senate or house’
Ken Starr on SUNDAY Futures”: you need to get the evidence shown right now “You need to get the evidence shown right now for the courts to take a take it up.’
Bartiromo: September was key awaiting Durham investigation then there is nothing. There was nothing . Durham dropped the ball in September…. will trump make a special Prosecutor? (Will consider it)
Q. Where is FBI, DOJ – A. Trump: ‘Missing in action, very disappointing… waiting for next president,I guess.’
Trump regrets not getting more involved and once again claims ’60 Minutes’ abuse
Trump questions Dem- leaning judgment In democrat Inner city precincts.
–Take out 6 tainted swing States and Trump still won electoral college 237 to 232
Trump: Private people are losing their votes ,too, in these heavy Dem inner- city precincts -Philly, Milwaukee, Detroit…
Federalist: 5 points Trump won all and still lost incl winning Ohio where no Dem has ever lost and won Pres
How did Biden beat Obama in swing states incl blacks
State by state: Pennsylvania- Why Pennsylvania Doesn’t Add Up | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics >
-In Georgia we have Stacey Abrams going around collecting ballots. Harvesting is illegal in Georgia yet she’s up to 850,000 with Gov Kemp and Sec. of state and playing into her hands
Why Pennsylvania Doesn’t Add Up | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
‘-Study finds Trump took 700% more questions than Biden over month-long period | Fox News
Breaking: Not (yet if ever) reported in mainstream Friday, the Trump team got good news after the Pennsylvania judge panel rejected their appeal. The legislature of Pennsylvania accepted to have a hearing , which is exactly what the trump team was hoping for, according to Atty. JENNA ELLIS on Newsmax. Trump team will continue to seek similar legislative hearings in other swing States such as Arizona on Monday with other states possibly following Pennsylvania’s lead. Supreme Court is a good back up appeal option now with Barrett installed as judge and 5th likely vote.
EVIDENCE? ‘NO credible attorney’ is going to go and put out evidence that can be tampered with by the media…’we don’t owe the media anything.. we owe the American people the truth.’
-Trump attorney Jenna Ellis
‘Election was a Fraud… Rigged Election at the highest level… This is far from over,’ exclaims fired-up President Trump in Thanksgiving Day Q and A after giving video message to military overseas – his first extended press conference in about three week discussing the election. ‘People understand what happened…a lot will be happening’ between now and when the Electoral College meets mid-December.
Support Honest Elections
–Trump attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood to file big ‘Dominion’ lawsuit in Georgia with other states to come. Plus, election Hearings today with legislators in 3 key states
–56% of electorate favors GOP to Win SENATE after Jan runoff- What does that indicate?, but wait…
Election: What if you don’t fix the election system now? Then the same thing will happen in 2024 and beyond. It’s not just about Trump BUT about the election system. ‘Let’s move on’ they say and he could win in 2024. NOT. Because The election system will be the same thing then.
RoadToSuccess’ HUMOR : Dems’ Modus Operandi
How did Biden get 10 million more votes than even Obama¿ And less votes than Hillary in all but Key swing states?
450,000 absentee ballots in Pennsylvania in 2016, 2,600,000 absentee votes in 2020!!
November 10th survey that shows 79% of republicans believe election stolen and 38% of democrats
=Dems even told their audience not to be surprised of major overnight flip election night
-Before election , many stories about voting machine incidents including in Dem media like WaPo and NY Times
-Tucker show 11-24: Monitored election-Dem Dr Robert Epstein said that dems could have shifted up to 15 million votes within hours without anyone knowing it Plus Google Bias to Dems Smoking Gun : Voting reminders only sent to Dems At least 6 mil votes could have been shifted just because if Google, says Epstein. Google has leaked this and made sure Trump not elected since 2016
Why nobody cares? Google benefits . –Sharyl Atkinson in new book SLANTED reminds us: Right before election google and FB and twitter took down stories and blocked and removed accounts
Why won’t Georgia vote audit allow Trump to inspect signatures?
Mr. Trump on Friday in tweet accused Kemp and Raffensperger of refusing to “let us look at signatures which would expose hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots” which he alleged would give the “Republican Party and me, David Perdue, and perhaps Kelly Loeffler, a BIG VICTORY.”
“Why won’t they do it, and why are they so fast to certify a meaningless tally?” Mr. Trump tweeted. Since the results of the hand recount were still within the 0.5% margin, the Trump campaign may request another recount within two business days. If the Trump campaign does ask for another recount, it will be a machine recount. Georgia was one of five states Mr. Biden flipped from Mr. Trump‘s 2016 victory. The state has not voted to send a Democrat to the White House since former President Bill Clinton won it in 1992. (CBS News)
(Editor: Trump Appears to understand what’s going on in What appears to be a very fraudulent election better than even his own Republican cohorts in Georgia and most people. Is they can’t review the signatures those votes should be null and void)
– President’s office also questions why Michigan legislators would “casually dismiss’ valid concerns in Michigan voting irregularities and why more Republicans,in support of Trump, aren’t speaking out in defense. And then there is Mit h Romney-only he and Lamar Alexander have spoken out against election investigation
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is :no virtue.’ -Barry Goldwater
-‘Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.’ -Barry Goldwater
-‘Power corrupts’ Lord Acton
–Even 1/3 of Dems believe election was stolen
-Retiring senator Lamar= right in front of their eyes.
Meaning of life :‘ to make differnces for the better‘- Rush Limbaugh. ‘ All good people matter.’ I know it makes me feel best when i can help.
Jason Whitlock- sums it all up, how and why we got to this point:
‘…Worship of skin color…white libs have convinced blacks to take God out of the! equation and replace it with Obama ,BLM , Harry Edwards 49ers ‘race coach’ etc
–Sidney Powell Fires back at Carlson on Fox Business with Maria Bartiroma : ‘I can’t keep up with the firehouse…we’re a handfull of lawyers doing the work of what hundreds of federal agen t should be doing… We will able to have the evidence in court in next 2 weeks…
‘Voters statistical patterns in Pennsylvania and other States show patterns that can only be explained as fraud’ Dinesh D’Souza
-‘Journalism’ cant go any lower : ATLANTA — Vice President Mike Pence returns Friday to the campaign trail, hitting the stump after two weeks of ducking the spotlight and largely staying silent while President Donald Trump rages about their election loss >
–KAMALA Harris already answering for Biden at press conference. MEDIA ‘goes around’ Biden to re-ask question about conference call with governors
So, Tucker is going soft like Fox, who arent giving Trump team enough time to lay out ALL the extensive evidence… that’s THEIR problem they will regret for being Foxers. Hang in like a Trump, NOT a Romney or Fox > #Pressekonferenz #PressConference #giuliani
Most corrupt ‘president’ / family?-Biden 5 , totally ignored by mainstream media- and Biden himself cant refute charges. Is half America in denial or unaware or both? Talk about evidence> #biden #china #CorruptJoeBiden #Pressekonferenz #PressConference #giuliani
-“Nobody is better at saying nothing then Obama” Adam Corolla
Editor Sad excuse for media today -with their inane questions at the end and this lefty bunch , anything but journalists, following the company line with Giuliani and others batting them off like flies > #Pressekonferenz #PressConference #giuliani
Really sad to watch the ‘opening statement’ press conference – not that the press conferences wasnt great- that it was the media- or what we’ve got as an excuse for media today -and their inane questions at the end their name lefty bunch of mostly 20- something people, anything but journalists just following the company line with Giuliani and the others batting them off like flies > #Pressekonferenz #PressConference #giuliani
-CNN admits to changing its programming baSed on who is president
‘Not just about overturning this election but public having confidence in our election system. ‘ Currently cheating is in open season…need to at least arrest the cheaters
‘Heres the evidence’ as Giuliani holds up affidavits
-Donald j trump youtube channel was hacked and being made fun of…
The very least the media should cover is the biggest pressor of the year…
Victor david Hansen has forced the elites to think
‘OPENING STATEMENT’ Explosive Trump Election Press Conference- complete coverage with Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis speaking -ignored by mainstream media- #Pressekonferenz #PressConference #giuliani
Just said the mainstream media would cover up this news conference- not even report it -will tell you something and it could very well catch up with them.
Why aren’t people outraged about hundreds of obvious cases if voter fraud- ovsr 1,000 affidavits ;don’t people understand what we’re going through? were living in a country without legitimate media , legitimate governing bodies where the FBI is hiding or purposely ignoring the situation and the Justice department . it’s pretty scary. editor:Are people too dumb down to understand what’s going on. 30 years ago people would have questioned the media for not covering this stuff correctly or even not covering it at all
‘Pulled Michigan lawsuit’ because we don’t wanna certify false votes,’ says jenna ellis
Giuliani: ‘Our goal to go around iron curtain of censorship ‘
Why are (Dominion machine) votes being counted in Spain and Germany.?
‘Matter of nat. Security- States stupid to have votes counted by communists!’
Press conf ignored by media
Affidavits of no inspection of known dangerois mail ballots,
‘Best voter fraud team,’ Biden declares.No doubt
Other fraud:
– In heavy democratic precincts they are happy to correct errors in ballots but not so in GOP areas
-People in Pittsburg voted multie times…votes not registered we reassigned..
-witnesses were not allowed to inspect ballots and were even assaulted. ‘My cousin vinnie’ example. Are 60 people In just thus county who Signed affidavits lying under penalty of perjury? Why wouldnt allow inspection?
In Mich. There was a honest Dem…jessie jacob: “Mich, trained to cheat , make earlier mail dates. “This is evidence…See Constantino vs city of Detroit
‘Dont ask for ID, where required. Made sure to do this in corrupt cities..’Dont look for deficienies, signatures…because absentee ballots fraudulent…
Ignoring Judge Alito , instead of setting aside late ballots after nov. 3 they blantantly marked later ballots as nov 3 Signed Under penslty of perjury
‘100 more affidavits i cant show you… but the media doesnt care and Will falsely report ‘ no evidence,’.
Giuliani: At 4:30 am truck drove up and inspectors came running thinkkng it was food but thousands of ballots , only for Biden. . Min 60,000, many triple counted in machines…because 3 Americans swore to it plus 60 other witnesses
Wayne county has 100 affidavits witnessing at keast 300,000 ballots miscounted Vote.margin 130k
Wisconsin smaller margin….doesnt allow mail ins… 60k ballots in milwaukee plus 40k wonapplocatiobs- must be thrown away…all in just 2 counties wherenvote80% Dem…100k wisc 3o0k penn
OVERVOTEs- anything over normAl tur out..of 150% or even 300%. Palmer Wouldnt certify because of the overvote in Wayne County ‘Massive fraud’
Georgia suit tomorrow Gop not allowed to watch vote. Double voters. Out of state voters. az suit may come. And NM and Va
In key states more than double…look at lawsuits..over 1000 affidavits
Think about..⁵ 3 morn.. this new ballot. Did every leader wake up and separa⁵tely have idea to put inspectors in pens to = mass plan to deceive , warned by Dems… Why Hillary said dont concede, freudian slip by Biden
We will be liken Venezuela if we let these crooks get away…fraudulent ballots…we will prove in court
Sidney Powell: Massive infl of commun. Money of china etc Dininion machines Crsted in vebezuelA. Witness w hugo chavsz at the time.
–Ability to flip votes from Trump was only discovered when ma hines were so overloaded they were broken…
-Ties from Dominion to Soros, Clintons, etc Foreign hate for Trump
-Can set ratio of votes to flip, e.g.67% for Biden, 33% fo Trump..similar algorythms used across countdy …tbis only discoved because of overwhelming no. of votes
–Easily hackable…trained how to remove trump votes and biden votes injected
-2 ways to cbeat. Flipping or injecting votes.even owner of Dominion-Magnetic explains
‘Need Investigation by Dept of justice etc’
‘We will not be intimitaded. We will take America back and clean this up.. and reclaim america.
“You will read in fake news tomorrow..’too long’ or too short… This will NOT be short…”
-“Today is opening statement showing what networks are hiding. This us about protecting free amd fair elections. .. if your fake news network is not covering it you have to ask why.. this takes time.”
‘Media opinion does not matfer. If not willing to talk about evidence not acceptable’
-“This is opening show you what we will be showing .”- Giuliani at press conference ‘Elite strike force team’
-‘Nation of rules. Not Rulers’
-‘Not election Fraud but election manager fraud‘
-“Read Alexander Hamilton federal 568 security for this kind of corruption. We will get to fair result. If US caves to fraud we will never be safe. We will notnback down .you the press should cover this. You have to give us this opporti ity” – Sidney Powell
The world is watching this..same things done in other third world countries
-Michigan case- Costantino vs city of Detroit Based on sworn testimony
-Even Dem Trevor Noah believes GOP has a point about all the missing ballots being found 2 weeks later
–Tucker going soft on Trump like Fox and few others but dont let that influence you. Give the Trump team a chance to present ALL evidence, which takes time. Dont be like the lamestream
I’m afraid there are no more punch lines…everyone is drinking the koolaid
–Everyone violating their own edict…Newsome,Pelosi,Feinstein,Cuomo,Widmer,Ainsley…
-Trump withdrawing Wisc suit because every vote is NOT counted…result of a bigger problem
–2 vote canvassers in Michigan were ridiculed and rebuked for speaking their minds, not willing to certify the election-forcing them to reverse their decision. (See Zoom call ridicule.) This is about election shenanigans. Its not just about this election but all future elections. They wont even let them count absentee ballot applications… Even Dem Trever Noah has his suspicions…when they’re discovering thousands of votes two weeks after the election…
Monica Palmer was promised an audit if she reversed. …and then they tool it back
I’m afraid there are no more punch lines…everyone is drinking the koolaid
OPENING STATEMENT’ Major Trump Election Press Conference- complete coverage 1:30 min with Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis speaking
text 64600 to be on our list for up dates
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STOP! You probably don’t have any idea where things stand in the election and you probably think Trump has lost from all the misinformation/false rumours and brainwashing you’ve received-unless you read this and Watch(ed) video(s) below , paticularly first one, Sunday Morning Futures (11-15) with Maria Bartiromo. Things are happening behind the scenes…
SORRY, TWO SIDNEY POWELL VIDEOS WERE REMOVED TWICE BY FOX but excerpts are below. If you believe the election is over, watch this late breaking news from Sunday Morning Futures (11-15) with Marie Bartiromo and watch Tucker Carlson below. Especially pay attention to Sidney Powell, following Rudy Giuliani. (POWELL is the attorney who was able to finally spring Michael Flynn).
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Trump Lawyers Confident of Evidence to Back Up ‘Stolen Election’ Claim, Trump Win by 2-3 Million Votes
Evidence is still coming in ‘like through a fire hose,’ says Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, in support of the Trump voter fraud allegations, with ‘hundreds of thousands’ of pieces of evidence.
Chief among them are the voting machine concerns.
Even many conservatives have given up hopes of a Trump Presidential win because they’re drinking the mass media koolaid. One can’t avoid the anti-Trump reporting these days
Yet, 70% of conservatives still believe the election was rigged, according to recent Gallup survey
Dominion machines were employed in all of the ‘battleground ‘ states (from above, Bartiromo video)
Powell with Bartiromo:
‘Enough evidence to launch a criminal investigation.’
Ret.admiral Peter Messenger was both on the board of Smartmatek, the company that owns the Dominion voting machines AND Bidens election board.
‘Millions of votes were changed. These voting machines were designed to change votes, done on purpose. ‘ Powell says there’s so much evidence it’s like ‘ coming in through a firehose’ ‘Hundreds of thousands’ of pieces of evidence have come in already…‘
It’s ‘all about the software,’ says Powell…even the manuals show how votes can be changed or deleted…and its not just the Dominion machines but machines used in other states where Dominion wasn’t used.
I don’t say things ‘if they can’t be proven,’ Powell stated emphatically when confronted if there was enough proof. She was very upset with our government for allowing these voting machines even after Democrat Senators Warren, Klobuchar and Connally had reported these machines. Kickbacks were involved, too, says Powell.
Retired NSA Programmer corroborates above ‘corrupt’ voting machine info
‘Even the CIA is involved -GINA Haskell should be fired.’ And the FBI had been informed about this,too, said Powell. ‘People who bought these machines (Dominion) knew exactly’ what they were getting.’ One advisor told other states not to use Dominion machines but they went ahead anyway, noted Powell.
POWELL SPOKE OF THE MACHINES’ ‘BACKDOOR’ FEATURE WHERE ‘ VOTES CAN BE WATCHED and changed in real time. Biden wasn’t kidding he could assure the election,she said, ‘even in his demented state.’
Powell noted the machines were set to give a 67% ratio of votes for Biden. POWELL SPOKE OF a statement from a witness (perhaps retired NSA worker in the video below) who knows all about the machine, used in many corrupt countries.
Powell made sure to say, in closing, that the two lead attorneys were there for the long run:
‘Way beyond what people think.’ Dominion and Smartmatek are radical companies tied to Venezuela and George SOROS, where votes are sent overseas TO COUNT VOTES, stop voting when one is behind so they can catch up.
Detroit had 100k all-Biden votes rushed in-only time enough to put single name, Biden, on the ballots. Only in key, swing states was vote counting stopped – Michigan for sure and double checking other states.
Giuliani says the corruption took place ‘in big corrupt cities ‘with the corrupt machines – PA, MI, AZ BIG CITIES – where Trump ‘WON BY 2-3% IN THOSE STATES.‘ The same HARDWARE Was ‘USED CORRUPTLY IN Third WORLD ELECTIONS’- ELECTIONS RUN BY CORRUPT VENEZUELANS INTENTIONALLY. MAYBE THIS IS THE ‘BEST VOTER FRAUD’ SETUP BIDEN WAS TALKING ABOUT ,’ said Giuliani
He questioned How can Biden win with so much GOP support going to Congress CAMPAIGNING OFF TRUMP COAT TAILS. Trump should have been the big winner-and he will be.
JIM JORDAN (last guest on the p r ogram) : ‘IF YOU WOULD HAVE TOLD ME’ BEFORE HAND-WITH ALL THIS GROUNDSWELL AND TRUMP GETTING 10 MILLION MORE votes more than last time-i wouldn’t have believed it.
“Tens of millions of Americans believe the election was stolen from them.” Carlson tells the facts of what happened, based on affidavits, not hearsay you get nowadays in media ,both social and otherwise. “Gathering fact is the last thing our media wants to do. 11-11-20. Yes, illegal activity always happens in elections, but not like this…
No One of these Many Reasons Alone May Prove Why Trump Should Overturn the 2020 Election But Add Them Together And You’ve Got a Very Convincing Case Resulting in hundreds of thousands of changed votes
1. Over 500 separate complaints to date of voter tampering against Biden compared to zero tampering reported against Trump , eg Whistle blower election worker who said all workers were told to backdate ballots that came in late in Detroit. This could result in a high number, if accurate…
2. They say there are always cases of election voter fraud, but here it was only on one side, with all 500 voter tampering affidavit cases against Biden , 0 againsg Trump!
3. Extreme, outrageous examples of voting fraud from ‘fixed voting machines’ to Postal workers who were told to backdate Biden votes to actual burning of Trump ballots
VOTER FRAUD: Kimberly Strassel of WSJ addresses actual Trump burned ballots amomv other things
4. Trump was much stronger with ‘minority’ groups this election – blacks (double), hispanic, asian and white women; they said if he did well in even just the black vote he could never lose the election
5. Why was it only in the key swing states (PA, WI, NC, AZ and GA) where Trump was suddenly down in the vote AFTER election night, after being way ahead on election day?
6. Why was it only in those same swing states there were so many voting problems with voting counts delayed many days? States like Florida and Texas finished their voting on election day with no problems.
For 4 Hours postal worker Richard Hopkins said FBI agents ‘were grilling the hell out of me “ after he went public about his boss telling him to backdate ballots…
7. Biden Got 15 Million More Votes Than Obama did (editor:yeah, right)
8. Even with stolen votes, Trump Got 10 Million more votes than in 2016
9. Even With those extra 10 million more votes, how was it (only) in those five key swing states Trump fared (comparatively) worse after than in 2016?
10. Even left-leaning PBS news questioned the Dominion voting machines, in a recent pre-election story, October 25
11. Even Democratic congressperson Zoe Loefgren questioned the Dominion machines (before the election, of course), questioning it’s China place of manufacture and components
12. Dominion CEO stated that there are ‘no totally sound voting machines’ – Matt Gates, Florida congressman: Dominion voting system ‘changed more votes than Putin ever did in the 2016 election.’
13. Much of Trump’s and other conservative advertising were banned from twitter right before the election and weren’t able to get their important ‘get out the vote’ messages out, unlike Biden, who was carried by the media
14. 600,000 votes came in for Biden AFTER Tuesday night deadline. UNPRECEDENTED with all-Biden ballots dumped at 4:30 am Wednesday morning According to Giuliani and others, the Dems didn’t expect Trump would go do so well and had to work fast to make up the ballots
‘Statistically impossible’ for 138,000 all pro-Biden ballots to suddenly appear at 2 am Wednesday morning day after election, says Katherine Harris, 2002 Florida Bush-Gore election
Major history that will affect your life is happening under your nose but you probably don’t even know it because you follow the the mainstream media
19. Prior to this election, only five states had mail-in voting. This election it went up to 30 states no thanks to the Dems and their election staff of 322 lawyers changing the playing field with their covid ruse. Its a known fact mail-in ballots are easy to fake, vote multiple times, etc, with signatures are usually not required. Dems have long rejected voter ID, which would have cut way back on voter fraud
20. Dems have planned obstruction of this election for 2 years, getting election laws changed with 322 law suits in 45 states for no postal mark, no signature and extended deadlines. They would go TO their favorite judges if they didnt get their way. They used virus ‘fig leaf’ in PA and some states not for the virus but to help Biden
21. DEO: Michigan County Discovers ‘Glitch’ That Gave 6,000 Trump Votes To Biden – National File . Many other states used same Dominion vote machines that were found faulty and rejected by Texas
23. RE-CAPPING PREVIOUS POINT, PERHAPS THE BIGGEST POTENTIAL VOTER FRAUD OF ALL THAT COULD RESULT IN TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CHANGED VOTES: Sidney Powell noted roughly 80k questionable ballots in each of five key states (490,000) with ‘manufactured’ ballots. DEMOCRAT ‘Computer system algorythm’ fraud is why voting suddenly stopped election night so Democrats could add in hundreds of thousands of all-Biden votes.
24.How could Trump lose in an atmosphere where ALL 15 incumbents won by largely riding on Trump coattails. Trump should haVe been the big numeric winner but votes were secretly stolen/replaced over night
25. How the Dems could scheme to stop the vote count election day night as Trump was well ahead by hundreds of thousands of votes in all swing states and then started bringing in thousands of fake, all-Biden votes,as needed to compensate. And-NOT SO SURPRISING FLASH: Biden takes lead in PA three days later after being down 600,000 votes on election night. Biden takes lead in GA after being down 5% election nite. Same already happened in WI and MI again, where moreSUMMARY-It’s as simple as the Dems scheming to get mail-in ballots with no signature necessary plus extension time so they see Trumps numbers at end of election day and add just enough fake ballots for Biden to go ahead of Trump to win the election, i.e the ‘wednesday morn surprise’- and thats exactly what happened. If all counting was In by election day, as in the past, there’d be no problem. It wouldn’t give Dems that extra time they ‘bougbt’ to add more ballots as needed
-Biden tells us he wants all the ballots counted (may we add the word ‘legal’?) So we need to do that including the 100k provisional ballots just discovered in PA which are 3 to 1 for Trump.
– Dims couldn’t have planned it any better except for making so obvious their razor -thin victory margins in all three states. Guess it would have taken too long to prepare and stuff more illegal ballots to make it look less obvious and then in cahootz with media for Sat ‘dump Trump’ announcement.
Recommendation: Quit Fox and other media or at least watch it with Newsmax TV with key players like Dick Morris and Greg Kelley or AON
‘They’ve’ cheated on everything else during President Trump’s four years, from two years of phony Russia Collusion scam and losing Muller Investigation to Ukraine scam and now the election scam. And with 25 valid reasons so far, We’re sure they cheated big time here and we’re seeing more and more evidence of it with more coming in by the hour but We’re waiting to see the hundreds of thousands of ballots-almost all Biden votes -that were dumped between late Tuesday 11-3 and Wednesday morning in MI, Wi, NC and PA. SEE FULL DETAILS OF ABOVE EVENTS BELOW…
-OVERHEARD IN THE BELT WAY…’Dems have become fascists – DO NOT QUESTION THEM.’
-Some of many top Trump ‘2nd Term’ supporters: Those who are strong advocates of His Winning the Election Even Now(many more than these but these stood out): Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs , Maria Bartiromo and Trish Regan , and Podcast host- Dave Ruben. radio and podcast host of the Blaze and other venues- Kevin McCarthy, GOP House Chairman , Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and Tucker Carlson and the Extensive Trump team headed by Kaley McInaney and many more. Shout out to those and especially Limbaugh, who has done a yeoman’s job of parsing the news and comment while fighting cancer. Sadly , there are some who seem to have given up or taken a rather neutral view- expecting Trump to lose, such as Bill OReilly. And then there are the out of touch never-Trumpers we won’t even dignify by mentioning names.
–TRUMPS TWO ROADS TO VICTORY (as told by Presidnet to Byron York: 1) Pick up more votes in close contests (AZ and GA) via recount and audit 2) Where larger margins like Penn, have bulk ‘illegal’ votes thrown out via court actions
After you sign, call your Representative and Senators urging they FIGHT FOR TRUMP and OBJECT to the voter fraud Representative: 202-225-3121 Senators: 202-224-3121 Sign your petition to FIGHT — Marjorie Taylor Greene Republican-elect (GA-14)
-‘OPENING STATEMENT’ Major Trump Election Press Conference- complete coverage 1:30 min
After you sign, call your Representative and Senators urging they FIGHT FOR TRUMP and OBJECT to the voter fraud Representative: 202-225-3121 Senators: 202-224-3121 Sign your petition to FIGHT — Marjorie Taylor Greene Republican-elect (GA-14)
SCARY ELECTION click to download, then open video Election 2020 Halloween Scare-Know Who You’re Voting For, Biden or Who’s Really Behind The Mask? JB and Coupon Country Present JB’s ‘A’ LIST for Good Living – Halloween 2020 Scary Election, Amazing Dancing Skeleton, Halloween, Powerball, Dream Car, Costumes, Videos They’re Here! This is no dream, […]
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WHAT HAPPENED TO COMMON-SENSE VOTING? HOW TO IMPROVE There was a time, not so many years ago, when people voted on election issues and candidates based more on empirical reasoning. Today voting is based almost exclusively on the party line or by what a person’s favorite network or pundit has to say about a particular […]
SCARY ELECTION click to download, then open video Election 2020 Halloween Scare-Know Who You’re Voting For, Biden or Who’s Really Behind The Mask? JB and Coupon Country Present JB’s ‘A’ LIST for Good Living – Halloween 2020 Scary Election, Amazing Dancing Skeleton, Halloween, Powerball, Dream Car, Costumes, Videos They’re Here! This is no dream, […]
You Won’t Believe This Prediction! THE FUTURE IS NOW… Portland Travel Commerical – Updated Chamber of Commerce take Coming to Your Town? Be Prepared! FREE Certification – US Concealed Carry – Lessons Online -⠀In coordination with our state certified trainer we have prepared a free & simple […]
$5 Starter Kit, FREE Shipping FREE Click to Win Entry Presenting.. Health Week Specials! JUNE 16, 2020 HEALTH WEEK ‘Howdy Gang! I better get serious for Men’s Health Week. Mary’s after me again. Put on some extra LBs lately? So did I. No more JACK SPRAT here. So, we’ve researched and found the TOP Weight […]
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WHAT HAPPENED TO COMMON-SENSE VOTING? HOW TO IMPROVE There was a time, not so many years ago, when people voted on election issues and candidates based more on empirical reasoning. Today voting is based almost exclusively on the party line or by what a person’s favorite network or pundit has to say about a particular […]
Subscribe to weekly updates JANUARY 6 LAST STAND FOR GOP… Possible Path to Overturn Election DID YOU KNOW? Democrats 11 times tried to stop the electoral college vote in 2016? Questions that should be asked by GOP of election Dems Jan 6:Why...
For Full Election Coverave for weekly updates (free) Trump’s STILL Remaining Roads to VICTORY AND Why He Would Be Missed Unlike Any Other President ‘Trump could trigger (election) executive order’ says Mike Flynn ( on Sunday Morning Futures and at...
Why won’t Georgia vote audit allow Trump to inspect signatures? Mr. Trump on Friday in tweet accused Kemp and Raffensperger of refusing to “let us look at signatures which would expose hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots” which he...
See How President Trump Is Gaining Back Legal Votes In Your State – click on your state and visit > Every Legal Vote- BREAKING: 3rd World Voting – Computers are Controlling Your Votes- ‘Tuesday Night Miracle’...
‘Splain me, Lucy, how we have more ballots than registered voters? Tens of Thousands of ‘FOUND’ ballots exclusively for Biden Subscribe Whitlock: Election is a ‘parable of the power of love … Biden Got Fewer Votes than Hillary and Obama except...
Election 2020 Halloween Scare- Know Who You’re Voting For, Biden or – Who’s Really Behind The Mask? The White House • October 27, 2020 Put Americans first, not China American leaders from both parties stood down to China for 40 years. The...
Harris makes false claim of Lincoln Supreme Court announcement during debate BREAKING: ‘Debate commission suddenly changed next debate format to virtual following democrat’s poor showing at last nights VP debate. President Trump (correctly) rejected this...
Now debate commissionWants to’ add new tools to maintain order that ‘Biden can speak uninterrupted by Trump,’ according to AP, which (editorially) we say is farthest from the truth. Biden had just as much time if not more during the debate as trump...
Watch “Leftists LOSE Their Minds Over RBG” HOW ‘GROUPTHINK’ HAS CRIPPLED THE NATION AND HOW TO CHANGE IT Groupthink has changed the political game. We see it everyday, most recently in the reaction to Ruth Ginsberg’s death. This will be...
SCARY ELECTION click to download, then open video Election 2020 Halloween Scare-Know Who You’re Voting For, Biden or Who’s Really Behind The Mask? JB and Coupon Country Present JB’s ‘A’ LIST for Good Living – Halloween 2020 Scary Election, Amazing Dancing Skeleton, Halloween, Powerball, Dream Car, Costumes, Videos They’re Here! This is no dream, […]
You Won’t Believe This Prediction! THE FUTURE IS NOW… Portland Travel Commerical – Updated Chamber of Commerce take Coming to Your Town? Be Prepared! FREE Certification – US Concealed Carry – Lessons Online -⠀In coordination with our state certified trainer we have prepared a free & simple […]
$5 Starter Kit, FREE Shipping FREE Click to Win Entry Presenting.. Health Week Specials! JUNE 16, 2020 HEALTH WEEK ‘Howdy Gang! I better get serious for Men’s Health Week. Mary’s after me again. Put on some extra LBs lately? So did I. No more JACK SPRAT here. So, we’ve researched and found the TOP Weight […]
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WHAT HAPPENED TO COMMON-SENSE VOTING? HOW TO IMPROVE There was a time, not so many years ago, when people voted on election issues and candidates based more on empirical reasoning. Today voting is based almost exclusively on the party line or by what a person’s favorite network or pundit has to say about a particular […]
SCARY ELECTION click to download, then open video Election 2020 Halloween Scare-Know Who You’re Voting For, Biden or Who’s Really Behind The Mask? JB and Coupon Country Present JB’s ‘A’ LIST for Good Living – Halloween 2020 Scary Election, Amazing Dancing Skeleton, Halloween, Powerball, Dream Car, Costumes, Videos They’re Here! This is no dream, […]
You Won’t Believe This Prediction! THE FUTURE IS NOW… Portland Travel Commerical – Updated Chamber of Commerce take Coming to Your Town? Be Prepared! FREE Certification – US Concealed Carry – Lessons Online -⠀In coordination with our state certified trainer we have prepared a free & simple […]
$5 Starter Kit, FREE Shipping FREE Click to Win Entry Presenting.. Health Week Specials! JUNE 16, 2020 HEALTH WEEK ‘Howdy Gang! I better get serious for Men’s Health Week. Mary’s after me again. Put on some extra LBs lately? So did I. No more JACK SPRAT here. So, we’ve researched and found the TOP Weight […]
Extra 15% Off $50 Sitewide w/ code SHAMROCK + Free Shipping, No Minimum Buy 1 Get 1 50% OFF select Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness items + 3,000 Loyalty Points when you spend $20+ + Free Shipping, No Minimum. t. Http://>XIrjX90LLwrLQguFvsIk6saNJkHjtn372m0pHIbDB3P4MsYU1-uLs_IEwPUQLUhzUlqDAfrDKCgjuQSlpJaavuId3_oTHVv1nzuR7LcA47TeOJ1udNryMFs-QUBnGFegWECthTFBecE9Aj6NbIj1vfh79B82YKp-SHY-jr0S8Uz4pSf7PPpS_xb_QS9jS0uu1y6-zEdO1G1EXDA6Is4gGWNKK8L1_gCCSyEYG4odWzkWbCHj2q2nre3b2u96lK-HsrMmOJTf6NZVEQ $1.99 Angel Soft with coupon + Free Shipping, No Minimum The post Walgreens Corona […]
WHAT HAPPENED TO COMMON-SENSE VOTING? HOW TO IMPROVE There was a time, not so many years ago, when people voted on election issues and candidates based more on empirical reasoning. Today voting is based almost exclusively on the party line or by what a person’s favorite network or pundit has to say about a particular […]