Sunday, July 16, 2023

Are Dems Sinister or Stupid?

Conservatives must hammer home-ask repeatedly ahead of election:
Are Dems Sinister or Stupid?
-why would cities with major drug problems legalize drugs, give them to homeless-oh, sorry- unhoused?
-why with  major crime problem defund police?
-Are you better off today after almost 4 years of Joe Biden?

My absolutely-favorite "PEARL CLUTCHER," an occasional guest at my grandparent's dinner table, was MARGRET CHASE SMITH.

     Senator Smith was bright, witty, and absolutely honorable old-fashioned Republican.   She spoke-out for equality throughout nine years serving in the US House and twenty-four years serving in the US Senate.   Her work in both House and Senate was laser-focused on government integrity.

      "On June 1, 1950, Smith sat on the Senate floor, three rows in front of McCarthy. Still nervous, she stood to deliver her Declaration of Conscience. For the next 15 minutes, she spoke — 'as a Republican... as a woman, as a United States senator...' but also 'as an American.' Her words echoed through the chamber.",%22%20on%20February%209%2C%201950.

Senator Smith stated the basic principles of "Americanism" were:
     The right to criticize;
     The right to hold unpopular beliefs;
     The right to protest;
     The right of independent thought.

 -RANDY , Oakland nextdoor