1. INFLATION IS CUMULATIVE- IT HAS NOT COME DOWN IN THREE YEARS. Just because they tell us inflstion is down from last year doesn't mean inflation is really down. You have to add this years 3% to the previous years ' 7% =10% inflation and up 18% since Biden took power in 2021. Now you know why grocery, gas, real estate, etc prices aren't really coming down to what they were before Biden took office
2. UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU- and your taxes more today than yesterday. To pay down Biden's $7.3 trillion dollar budget this year He will need to tax more the middle class , upper class and the corporations . He promised to help the middle class but is doing just the opposite. No surprise the newly hired 87,000 IRS workers. Thats the only way he could spend $7.3 billion he doesnt have.That most people don't understand what's going on and why they will be paying 30% more to take their kids to Disneyland plus food and everything else is a tragedy, too. The news doesn't address this stuff anymore-severity of this with US becoming a socialist country Including the media . The Middle class is not just fleeing blue states but fleeimg the country and the wealthy aren't far behind. Despite what mainstream media may parrot, the U.S. is no longer the guiding light, with many countries doing better than us , i.e. France, Canada, Brazil, UK, Germany, Australia, Japan, India, China and even Mexico.(Pew Report, latest, 2022, stats)
Already, Biden wants to tax corporations at 28 percent, up from 21. If that happens, businesses will pass the hike onto consumers, pretty much guaranteeing a further economic showdown.
The United States currently carries a 34 trillion dollar debt. President Biden is responsible for $6 trillion of that in just three years. He is the biggest spending president in history.
If Americans vote for Biden in November, they are inviting calamity. Mr. Biden is so divorced from reality, it's stunning. His progressive base wants socialism, so that's what Joe will try to give them.
There is extreme peril brewing
As side effects, cities have no money and are falling in lockstep with administration , laying off police and employees , with this becoming a police state ala Russia and third world. Our middle class taxes were higher than ever last year. Did you also get sypplementsl tax bills? Good chsnce youre Among those 60% of America living paycheck to paycheck with credit cards maxed out?
3. Just like inflation and the economy, EMPLOYMENT IS NOT REALLY UP since 2021 , despite what Biden and media may tell you. . Maybe from last year but jobs only partially recovered since pandemic but most new jobs are merely with people who haven't worked.since pandemic, i.e. rebound jobs.
Wake up America! Before it gets even worse.