Saturday, February 15, 2025


Seems like the big political question of the week or year is 'Why would the Democrats not want to reduce the budget by cleaning up all the many things DOGE is finding out GOVT. has misused money for -i.e. millions and even billions of dollars going to countries that don't deserve it , going for nonsensical things and not helping America ?'  Well, the answer to that question is two-fold : 

1) Democrats are losing their gravy train . A lot of that wasted money has been lining their pockets as well as skimmed off by Leaders of other countries and not being used for what it's supposed to be as DOGE is finding out 

2)  Dems are afraid of getting exposed and eventually caught in a lot of this cheating, so they are just shouting back and even cussing without any rationale . They're just saying things that make no sense and that's the way they do it because  they're not used to getting exposed and eventually getting caught as they are now. They don't like losing their power to be able to do these illegal things and getting the gravy they're so used to getting . Power is like a subcategory that  goes along with the others