Friday, July 15, 2016

Telling Revelation of President's True Character, Thin Skin

Hillary's America Movie Advance Tickets - 5 Star Movie from Dinesh D'Souza

Telling Revelation of President's True Character, Thin Skin-

Obama Hangs Onto 'Elevator Incident' from When He Was 10 Years Old in Hawaii

                                With  all the anguish and growing party disunity in America today, one can't help but look at President Obama under a little stronger microscope than the nation has done the past almost eight years of his Presidency. The media and Democratic Party has backed him time and again as war has raged in the Middle East and elsewhere since ISIS  expanded it's tentacles into Iraq and Benghazi  and beyond after Obama pulled our forces out.               

                In a town hall meeting in New York  , reported in July 16,  President Obama brought up an incident involving himself that he considers to be symptomatic of racism in society today.  He still remembers and holds onto that day when a white woman neighbor in Hawaii didn't recognize him  and wouldn't get into an elevator with him.  He noticed later that the lady had gotten into the elevator after he took his turn, but didn't want to ride with the 10-year-old at the time, the President tells the story.

                Obama automatically considers that racism - and it may have been. It also may have been that the lady didn't want to ride with anyone else in the elevator. I've done that before and know of others who do that, too. Elevators can be a confining, often uncomfortable spot with others standing  inches a way.  

                But, for Obama to hold onto this rather mundane incident from 40 years ago and even bother to bring it up today shows just how thin skinned he really is.  A strong leader would put such an incident way in his past.   We've seen Michelle Obama bring up  similar past incidents like the shorter woman who asked Michelle to help her reach a product on the top shelf in a grocery store.  Michelle equated this to the lady regarding Michelle as the 'hired help.'  The fact is that  is very common for a shorter person to ask a taller one to help reach items in a store. I've done it for others and others have done it for me, when I was younger and shorter. 

                This just shows what a weak Presidential couple we really have in the White House- it's amazing.  But, it helps us better understand, in retrospective, the decisions Obama has been making including all those 'executive orders.'  It's telling that obama has to do this rather than meet with the other side, as he claims is his desire, but never seems to do it.   He is a President that has few if any friends on the 'other side' and is a more of a self-serving loner than any President in recent memory.

                Instead of trying let go of the past and work together today, Obamas dwell  on it bringing up such minor incidents, helping to  further foment the growing racial divide we have in this country.  It goes along with his refusal to identify that Mid-East Enemy, ISIS, not only NOT willing to mention the real enemy by name, Islamic Extremists , but to make up his own term for his Administration to use,  them, ISIL, rather than ISIS. 

How Obama,Media,Entertainers Affect Cop Killings,Violence,Racial Divide
rasmussen poll on race relations 2016
                Obama grew up in the lap of luxury, with mostly white people, with whom he continues to spend time most of his time.  He may be half- black but his   personal experiences in the black culture have been few. Obama was brought up as a 'grand-child' of the '60s, being told by his Marxist parents about all the racism that exists, following that up with revisionist history, which has been taught in schools  since the  black riots of the late 60s, and , of course, along with Hillary, has been quite the scholar when it comes to the 'Alinski Method'  and employing some of  those principles in 'hoping and changing' our govenment  these past almost eight years.

                And, it's exactly his race, that he feels has hurt him, that has enabled Obama to get away with all this crap no other President would have ever imagined getting away , with the possible exception  of what might be the next (woman) President.

                The Obamas are perfect examples of how America has changed since the late 60s with the new 'entitlement' nation , but worse. They are eschewing the very values that America fought against in our w ars. They are bringing down this country with rhetoric that flies in the face of what the nation was founded on.  The Constitution and all its trappings go with it, out the door, with Obama.

       It was just especailly interesting to pick up on this latest negativity from our President. Now we know, for sure, with personal, 'selfish' statements like this, that Obama, is the spoiled, immature 'child' playing President.  He won't be gone too soon - and hopefully  people who haven't woken up to this man and his accomplices  will do so  quickly, before the next election.

       We recently learned of yet another security breach around the President, where he was left to ride an elevator with an ex-con.   In retrospect, maybe the 'racist' lady from 40 years ago wasn't so bad.

Hillary's America Movie Advance Tickets - 5 Star Movie from Dinesh D'Souza

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