Tuesday, October 15, 2024

War on Truth- Relativism

War on truth- relativism

from Rich V a l d e s)

Cultural diversity, DEI and the like

Example: absolutist religion as practiced more by Republicans  versus openness or relativist religion as practiced by democrats like Pelosi and Biden

Media are relativists basing their truth on consequence. with them its Okay to change the rules if it favors their needs or agenda i. E. Situational truth.

this basically means getting rid of a standard set of rules for everyone and having two sets which could destroy and probably would destroy Society as it is doing right now. People can't talk to each other because there's disagreement on near everything. Take for example discussing the election and the polling well Democrats say there persons they had even if scientific research shows Trump is ahead and that's been born out and passed elections where they claim their person as a head I.E Hillary Clinton in 2016 and she loses big.

There was a time not long ago when news reporters or anchors lost their jobs,  like Dan Rather and   Brian Williams, the latter

removed from his position on "NBC Nightly News" after admitting to fabricating details about a story while covering the Iraq War. 

Today it's rare to see a journalist (so called ) get fired for misreporting ; they only get fired for doing personal nasty things like the guy on The Today Show or the night time interviewer on PBS. Today if you do get fired you get rehired like Jeffrey Tubin and Brian stelter both of CNN.

'Plausible Deniability' is another form of ev ading the truth as Joe Bidens   brother came right out and admitted as an excuse for not accurately answering  questions posed to them even under oath.

Today we see Dem candidates like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz simply not answer questions or 'answering' with non-related nonsequiters and 'word salads', the new expression of the year. It's gotten so bad that even Democrat leaning SNL is doing spoofs on Kamala and Waltz.

Democrats are living in a bubble today no longer able to handle real truth. For Democrats truth can be related to culture for example foreigners coming into our country bring different cultures and different truths, so say Democrats  so therefore it's okay -there's no one truth they say. Which is one reason we see Democrats desire to bring in foreigners to our country, legal or otherwise . And it can get dangerous with people like Haitians believing in voodoo.

And so without the glue of real truth and rules holding us together we see unraveling of society where anything goes .


Obama was the instigator being War on Truth thru division

Melania book Amazon best seller

Trump for TRUTH
Trump for Truth>>>

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