Thursday, June 16, 2016

Despite Obama's 'calming' attempt, CIA director grave warning: ISIS dangerous as ever

CIA ISIS terrorism not reduced_00000000
CIA Director Brennan: ISIS' terrorism capabilities not reduced 01:40 (xnn)
Listen to CIA's John Brennan Split with Obama on ISIS Threat

 Even after President Obama's common refrain Tuesday that ISIS  is 'losing territory' (or ISIL as only he and his cronies call it) is 'on the run',  CIA director John Brennan took bold action going against his boss  with just the opposite information. In a news conference he said that ISIS has become a bigger threat with the large refugee population coming into america. Himself a Muslim, Brennan admitted that ISIS is attempting to blend in their own terrorist elements among those infiltrating the U.S. in the immigration (illegal or otherwise) wave that, somehow, has been accepted by much of America. Whenever their is a terrorist attack now we are told by Obama and government not to  'rush to judgement' when most everyone knows that it was another radical Islamic-associated attack. And Obama, again, refuses to even call it by its true name, Radical Islam, but instead his own word, ISIL. And, this type of brainwashing goes on not only Obama but his sycophants followers in the media and schools, which is becoming very dangerous . 

For Brennan to go against his president is rather un-unprecedented and should be listened to closely by our population. Even Brennan is telling us there is a major problem and that we should be prepared for more violence following this latest Orlando massacre, the biggest homeland shooting in  history. We've also heard  in recent surveys that large numbers of American Muslims   agree with and prefer Sharia law, which sanctions such violence and oppressive treatment of women and non-Muslims over the American constitution.


We elected President Obama with the least amount of vetting and lightest track record of probably any president in history. Americans black and white wanted to close out  any remaining signs of the  race issue by electing the first black president. The two term senator from Illinois with nary a track record-and a shady one at that- was even able to gain a second term, beating out the well established Clinton machine in 2012 after becoming the first black potus in 2008. But, itstead of the race issue in America getting better it got worse. Republicans have feared going against the first black leader and media has stayed close to his side. Never before Obama has there been such a problem with race and distinguishing good from bad. Instead of bringing the races more together, Obama has used and social values to separate people. Meanwhile, mainstream Republicans have shied away from standing up to their values so not as to upset Obama and his minions, which could cost them votes and money.

Now Hillary following in lock step same Obama mantra in her run for Presidency .Poster, t-shirt available

Meanwhile, people are losing reason today, unable or not wanting to separate fact from fiction. We're no longer teaching logical thinking but obedience now. In a recent survey, only 18% of college instructors
rated their students as able to adequately distinguish between fact and faction. This is largely due to the
blurring of lines between fact and fiction in today's  news and media , in general. It's as much or more
the baby boomer generation fault -certainly the liberal element's effort for raising a nation in a brainwashed society where labels have taken on more power than people themselves. Republicans are 'bad' and Democrats 'good' in much of the teaching today. Much of history has been changed to benefit the liberal
agenda. And meanwhile Obama continues with a relatively decent 53% approval rating among his brainwashed minions. Hitler was beloved by most of his people, too, in his day.

Different World since Obama - NEW IDEOLOGY TRUMPS TRUTH

The odds of getting through to people are becoming smaller and smaller.  Blame is no longer necessary placed correctly. The nation has been turned on its ear since Obama promised 'change' almost eight years ago. We certainly got change but , for many or most, probably not the change we wanted. Obama is putting forth his own ideology, which is being accepted by more than we would have believed eight years ago. The United States has been turned on its head. So much is now opposite of what it was when Obama came into office. Older folks KNOW this and must act to save the country. So, beware and be prepared while trying to speak  up for what you know is right. And , hopefully, unlike some doomsayers, there WILL be a 44th President-whoever it is, hopefully more 'old school'. 

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