Monday, June 13, 2016

Orlando Massacre Reaction Shows America's Weakness-Guns Not Problem

SOMETHING TO PONDER? How does Islam's hate for  LGBT square with Obama's constant defense of Islam in refusing to utter the term 'Islamic Terrorists' to accurately describe and help intelligence pinpoint the enemy ? If he doesn't think there's anything in a word why doesn't he use the term we all know or even call it ISIS as the rest of us do, rather than ISIL  ?

Beheadings -unheard of in 2000 have become commonplace

LIFE'S LOST MEANING Highlighted in 

Orlando Massacre -Guns Not Problem

Though the dictionary defines life as  'the existence of an individual human being or animal' it may becoming more like the dictionary example of "a disaster that claimed the lives of 266 (or 49)  Americans"

There was a time in America when life seemed to have, perhaps, a different meaning that it does today.
Coming out of World War 2, there was the desire for a long , prosperous life (with emphasis on long) - and  life expectancy, had, in fact, doubled since the turn of the century.  This year, for the first time since then, life expectancy took a drop. This comes, not surprisingly, in light of increasing violence within our country and abroad - even if President Obama will tell you that things are 'better than ever,'thanks to his Presidency.

Following the Orlando massacre this week, there were typical showings of support including flying the flag at half mast and gatherings to pay respect to the 49 deceased in the largest mass murder in U.S. history. Over a million dollars was raised through crowd funding  to help the injured, which is well and good. But, there's been little serious discussion of getting to the real source of the problem, other than what has now become almost  a the reflexive Democratic mantra of 'Gun Control.'  Only a minority of mostly Republicans like Donald Trump have repeated  calls for military action against ISIS, which have been mostly been scorned by the Democrats and media, even though nothing else  has been helping to rid the real culprit, ISIS - a widespread 'army' of  maybe 100,000 nomadic barbarians that has sprung up since U.S. left Iraq and which the greatest military in the world has not been able to stop. But why?

Political correctness reigns supreme today,  especially in politics with our supreme leader and a presidential candidate refusing to target the real perpetrators - or even use the word 'Islam' as in 'Islamic terrorists'.  Yes, there's good reason the word needs to be mentioned, or we lose sight of  the real perpetrators to go after.


It's nice for the President to offer flowery phrases such as 'terrorist  killing is an attack on all of us' but what good have such words actually done, now 15 times over since he's been President? Such speeches  have only resulted in  more violence and ISIS terror attacks.  Obama may be a good speech reader  - now having made such 'eulogies' about  15 times during his presidency, usually followed by a message of outlawing guns.  But, it's just not all so black and white. Otherwise, we might have seen some positive results by now. On the other hand - and this may not be 'PC- some say it is about black and white: No previous (white) president would have gotten away with what Obama has

Meanwhile, supporters must be credited for grieving   the Orlando massacre victims. Prayer and Kumbaya  has its place. But, if they really wanted to do something, they'd get to the bottom and realize that all of this killing has never happened before in such repetitive numbers; world wars may have resulted in more total deaths but they were concentrated efforts that were eventually defeated by our militaries in a relatively quick and systematic way.   It's high time to throw politics aside to realize that SOMETHING SERIOUS must be done, even if it does involve guns and killing,this time against those who probably deserve it.  Had we acted four years ago or shortly   after Obama  removed all the supporting troops out of Iraq, followed by Afghanistan, the problem would not be so great today.  But now, we're facing dire times, while much of the country sits back, either realizing the grave state or not.  Mainstream media today fails to show the the real story what's going on and many, especially millenials, are getting their news from biased, alternate -largely social media - sources of the 'entitled' agenda.

Never before  has there been   war without a focal point - and  it's been going on now almost as long as World War 2 or the Viet Nam War with no end in sight. Since Obama pulled our military from Iraq and   ISIS four years ago , and later, Afghanistan,  ISIS has continued to spread and move it's destruction to different areas, creating a new problem. Instead of being able to contain them, in , say, Iraq, it's now become a losing game of 'wack-a-mole,'  not knowing where ISIS and associated enemies will pop up next. And, now, it looks like wack-a mole has spread to America.  Even with the hundreds or thousands of fine intelligence efforts in stopping  some of the terrorism, our FBI can't catch them all. For whatever reasons, our great military has not been able to allay this relatively small band of terrorists that has only sprung up in recent years.  And, even the few military men who have dared speak out against our first black president,  have met with defeaning silence. Even our once top military man, David Patraeus, has been , effectively , relegated to Siberia, while Obama continues to do his thing (some same spreading Socialism, and now in tandem with Democratic candidate for president, Hillary Clinton.

REMEMBER TEL AVIV?  Hillary Endorsement Gets Priority

Less than a week before Orlando,  several Israeli's were gunned down by Hammas terrorists in a popular shopping center in Tel Aviv, but how many remember - or even heard about that?  On that occasion Obama didn't even speak, but sent out another 'obit' statement while taking what he considered more important time to prepare an endorcment video for ' Hillary for President ' the next day.


 Even three out of 1,000 reported threats  (eg Boston, San Bernardino and Orlando) are   too many - and you can't blame the FBI or guns . The perpetrators in the past have resorted to anything from planes to bombs and , even with guns they can get them of they really want.  Just as we see in Chicago , where gun laws are tighter than almost anywhere, the killing fields are more numerous than ever, and in foreign countries  like France, where gun laws are very tight, the criminal always seems to find a way.  

Just to show you how things have changed in America in terms of violence and impending doom, there are currently over 700,000 on the U.S. 'Terror Watch' list and 60,000 on the 'No Fly' list , up ten fold during the Obama administration, according John or to an expert on the Levin show 6-13-16.

He also indicated how difficult and costly it really is to get an automatic weapon, let alone a gun, contrary what you may hear from some running for politics

They say that America has too many prisoners. Imagine how many more problems we'd have if we started letting the violent criminals out. Now, by accepting illegal refugees into the U.S.  we're assured of swelling those numbers.

While many still care, a good half or more of the nation doesn't seem to care or they'd really want to do something about it by now -   nearly four years since we saw the beginning of ISIS's barbaric killings of our own,  like news reporter David Pearl BEHEADED abroad, only to be more recently followed by mass murders in our own country, culminating with the largest in history just this week.  If Obama and company are worried about their legacy maybe it's high time to start doing something

Perhaps its the ever increasing amount of violence on TV and in movies.  We read about it almost daily in the news but never think it could affect us. Beheadings in America? Did you know that there has been at least one already, having been perpetrated on an innocent woman in her Oklahoma workplace last year .  Ten years ago we wouldn't have dreamed of beheadings in this 'advanced' day and age. DON'T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED. IT'S HAPPENED and it can happen to anybody.

While the Democratic Party has long branded itself as the the more caring and sensitive to others of different races and lifestyles we find things may be changing. While Democrats continue to be free with spending on different groups including third world nations and countries not considered 'friends,' , ie. $150 billion to IRAN , while response to some  REAL friends, such as   Israel,  has declined. In a recent  (2014) survey, less than 50% of Democrats expressed an affiliation to Israel as compared to nearly 80% among Republicans.

Less than 50% of Democrats now support 'friendly' Israel 

As for guns, Look at places like Baltimore and Ferguson . When police were told to 'stand down  violence only got worse and, as mentioned, places like Chicago with strong gun control have only seen exponential  rises in violence. Yet, you never hear Obama or our politicians really address this TERROR in our own country.  In terms of numbers,  we're killing ourselves, particularly black on black crime, in far greater amounts than what ISIS is doing to us.  But both are at rates unheard of in the past. When's the last time before last year you've seen terrorism in America outside of 9/11? Now, it's becoming  a regular part of life in  America.  Do people still value life as they once did or does it have less meaning today for Americans?

I personally hate guns, have never used one and probably never will. In Utopia there would be no guns , but this is far from Utopia and the Second Amendment is there to insure private citizens a right of protection, especially in an increasingly dangerous world .


And, the sanctity of life doesn't only involve warfronts and politics.
I had lunch with a 95 year old professor friend the other day. He's a smart  guy, beyond just the books. When he found himself feeling quite ill he called for a doctor appointment, only to be told he would have to wait four days. While many would have waited, he had himself checked in to emergency where it was discovered he had full blown pneumonia in one lung and if he hadn't gone in THAT DAY and waited the four days 'I wouldn't be here today,' said he. 

The professor lived alone but had the wearwithall to deal with the situation.  I have/had another good, older friend, who suddenly disappeared into the ether one day last year, for no good reason.... and she had children who have not answered (me) for her to this day.  I think I know what happened, and it's not good.

'People Should Not Live Beyond Age 75' Says Writer of  Obamacare
Some critics spoke of  'death panels'  in discussing  the impending new health care as it was rolled out a couple years ago, and don't you believe it's so far from the truth. Even one of  writers of 'The Affordable Health Care Act' , brother to Obama friend and Chicago mayor Emannuel, has recently stated that people should not live beyond the age of 75, including himself.

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Obama has been able to push through  what some consider a 'socialist' agenda, helping the poor the middle class and country in general has seen a drop in annual personal  income.  Meanwhile, Obama has been able to keep  the impoverished happy with 'entitlement' programs from food stamps, to health care, to welfare, which have all been increased during his reign. Obama has steamrolled  a weak Congress with executive orders that have helped with these entitlements . Many of those poor have  dropped out of the workforce while living off their entitlements  - nearly one third of the country is not working, yet we're told unemployment is down and employment is up. Obama's is the first administration not to show at least  a 3% annual  gain in any single year of the Obama administration,yet Obama will tell us - and many will believe- that he's been the best -ever President and that Hillary Clinton is 'best prepared' of anyone who has run for President.

We've seen health care rates rise  significantly under Obama, too, while the military has been decimated to the smallest force since World War 2, according to reports.   President NIxon was exiled from offic and President Clinton was impeached for probably much less than Obama, as well as criminal acts of Hillary Clinton.


Just to show you how things have changed in America in terms of violence and impending doom, there are currently over 700,000 on the U.S. 'Terror Watch' list and 60,000 on the 'No Fly' list , up ten fold during the Obama administration, according John or to an expert on the Levin show 6-13-16.
He also indicated how difficult and costly it really is to get an automatic weapon, let alone a gun, contrary what you may hear from some running for politics.

SHARIA LAW: Meanwhile, American citizens are now being put in the position that they must be the vigilant ones in looking out for future terrorists- instead of putting the onus on the terrorist.Sharia Law is gradually enveloping our country

How does Islam's hate for the gay lifestyle square with Obama's constant defense of Islam? If he doesn't think there's anything in a word why doesn't he use the word we all know or even call ISIS what we all know it by rather than ISIL?

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